I love RTS... i have one aswell in plan... but i have like 35 FPS playing with those 5 soldiers in your demo in FF !!??
(my PC 3GHz quad xeon 8GB , SSD, GF660TI 2GB)
I know im late, but the reason the guy below you is getting better framerate with an i5 and a lesser video card, is because Xeon processors are built for servers. Thats about all they are good for. They are built specifically to serve data out to other machines while doing basic software functions.
I hate to say it, but you could drop in a 2.6 core 2 duo and get better framerate. Also quadcores are still abit over hyped unless you use software that support them. Windows 10 is supposed to have a new "force multi-core" mode, so maybe people can get their money's worth.