Rolex's Forum Posts

  • I know Construct 2 has been buried, but its body hasn't cooled down properly yet and yet people are already talking about Construct 4 :D XD

    At least give its tombstone a clean or something and leave some flowers :D XD

    Or is it a typo?

  • Jolly(^-^)!

    Will embark on this task immediately, after I'm done packing sandwiches.

    Thanks everyone(^o^)/

    Kyatric, AllanR

  • Hello(^.^)

    Thanks for your input.

    Nope, I keep returning to the "inactive" topic.

    Not to be anymore of a bother: but do I contact Tom directly? Or do I pm him? Or a complaint ticket?

    Lots of thanks(^.^)

  • Over a year has past and I can't update my "old" devlog.

    I understand the reason why, however this is not applicable at the moment (dated information).

    Is it still possible to continue an "old" devlog? And who do I approach for that?


    I'm still using Construct 2 at the moment - may this also be an underlying reason: Can I then create (in advance of upgrading) a new topic: devlog, for my game under Construct 3?


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  • Once again there will be no update to the demo concept.

    That said, I've been making headway with the 2020 version and tend to continue on with the various gameplay mechanics.

    Furthermore I've posted some pictures of the different versions of Silo.

    Now I'm heading towards wrapping all things up like a native-american chicken'veg roll and apply the remaining spices, before deepfrying it.

    I originally wanted to post the devlog on my website, but all that has ran into some obstructions.

    Nonetheless hopefully this post can keep some people interested and busy.

    Silo: let's take it from the top.

    This image here show the progress and changes Silo's been through since 2014.

    Currently I've done away with the three currencies and stuck to cash.

    Silo 2014 - First mock-up. View: Silo Central.

    Silo 2015 - Second tile-based mock-up was also meant to run on you tablet. View: Silo Central.

    Silo 2017 - Third (of so many.) concept. The game was looking better and for years to come I would get into it with the traffic-system. Which brought me to grief many times. View: Industrial Zone, where I worked on getting zones supplied, in this case by train.

    Silo 2018 - I wanted to know if Construct 2 could my game. No problems so far, with all 8 factions up and running. View: Silo Central.

    Silo 2018 - The loadout screen how it looks when fully implemented. You'll notice that the current loadout screen is bigger as you're meant mix and match vehicle parts to amend your unit to your taste.

    Silo 2018 - Rental service as you would need access to units that you would not be able to afford. I'm not sure whether this will make a return in the 2020 edition.

    Silo 2018 - The old cargo mechanics that separated munitions from assets, construction materials and specialties and three currencies. *People, don't do this to yourself.*

    Also on the right the upgrades window for your unit. Dual-cannon, extra armor, front facing guns, motor upgrades etc.

    This model became tedious however. Once you bought or recruited a unit / resident of Silo you would have to go through upgrades for each single unit. Come 2020 there is some base building involved which takes away this overhead.

    Silo 2020 - Now that I've got everything working together I'm busy wrapping it. Missions have been added. Maps are way smaller, but that allows the engine to tackle fewer but much more complex events which allows for deeper gameplay.

    There is something to do now. And the shop and cargo mechanics don't give me a headache anymore.

    The train now has a use. Base building gives the player a central point to focus on. Furthermore I'm flushing out the air-arena. Recruited / bought unit also have a cargo window as in the original. I want to make a few thing useful rather than a large empty open world environment.

    Hopefully you've enjoyed this devlog(^.^)

    Until next time.

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  • Once again there will be no update of the demo concept. The past week I've been making headway, but the game remains in a surgical state. Once I get the demo packaged I'll post a notice.

  • Unfortunately there will be no update today to the demo concept. Nothing big really, I just went ahead with one of the more expansive elements of gameplay: which has put the game back in a surgical state. As times are quiet I decided to give the update another week. Until Monday the 6th of April(^.^)

  • There's a misplaced object currently blocking the train when you board at Silo Zone 3 train station. This has been fixed, however I will not be uploading the next update until coming Monday as it contains some more of Silo's gameplay, but is still in the works.

    Until then avoid any commuting(^.^)

  • Just over a week has past and amidst other things I've decided to a weekly Monday Devlog schedule.

    In the meanwhile work has continued mostly polishing the demo concept.

    Light gameplay mechanics have been implemented and Silo's game-infrastructure has been scaled up.

    For now I'll continue finalizing the infrastructure which allows for expansion of the game.

    Until next time.

  • Well, it's up( n . n )!

    My take on a space game I would like to play( ^ . ^ )

    I'll be using this thread to post updates.

    Game has not been improved for performance and may be out of balance on some areas.

    Once you get to know the game it will not take you to long to guess where gameplay can be (and will be) expanded on.


    • Post link icon

    If I'm correct essential fixes will be implemented until C2 official retirement.

    That said as the nature of software development and services progresses, I take it that C2 will soon date.

    But that's applicable to everything in this fast moving world:D

    As a user of a one of their products, it's up to me if I want to continue my involvement with them.

    Of course in this case they've replaced something with the next thing. Which is still the original product. (Long story.)

    If they retire a product and give enough notice, they are not obligated to refund any money for dated software if I'm correct.

    I'm sure that as a business they've also used services that one day told them: "Canceling so-and-so tomorrow.", which then forced them to change business practices whether they wanted or not. Or get in the unemployment-line.

    As much as they are a service to us. That service itself will remain their first priority. This is not to be rude or anything, it just is.

  • How about you add an additional challenge every 10 levels, with a maximum of a 100 levels?

    Maybe even just 50 levels, if additions are substantial: you don't wanna drown yourself with more work.

    Yes: you have less levels, but there's more content to 'em. This will also motivate the player to keep on playing to find out what the next (or extra) challenge will be.

    As your game is fast, players might catch on to what is happening faster and stop playing the game as they already know what's around the next corner.

    My two pence:D

  • Ashley "( ' O ' )" OH! I thought it was part of "The Master Plan", and that you had to answer to people in expensive executive leather chairs with fat cigars between their teeth.

    My bad "(^.^)"

  • Ashley is it really viable translating C3 to Dutch?

    I mean "proper", "pure" and "correct" Dutch?

    A country that uses freight ships loaded with English terminology?

    I mean, talk about commitment (@.@)