yeah a lot of people are trying to work with that "officiel" plugin, not working, it iS suposed to work, but i saw a lot of request of people askign for an update of this plugin, without any answer from teh develpers, also the TUTORIAL need ALSO a BIG update because its outdated (2013) we are in 2015 AND facebook developer section has CHANGED A LOT, stuffs don't work anymore like in that tutorial.
ALSO if you try to use that offical plugin IN your mobile app, then, you are going to lose your time for days or WEEKS (....actually i tried everything 1 month now....)
so BEFORE telling to all the users ,it is working, TRY IT, SEE IT BY YOURSELF!!!
and whats the only solution for users???
TO BUY a new NO OFFICIAL PLUGIN.....thats the way of construct 2?? "develop easy?".....
where are the developers, where are the updates ,where are the respons to users when people ask a lot of times and not get any respons...
and finally, what are the solutions???
it is going to be a HUGE updates of old plugins??