Q3D V-2.4 [3D Physics + Skeletal Animation UPDATE]

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Fantasy Game includes more than 600 sound effects inspired by hit computer games like World of Warcraft and Diablo.
  • Change the size of the bones with 100 in all axes XYZ in 5 or less. You can disable completely invisible.

  • Any idea how to make fog of war ?

  • smebor That worked, thanks!

    Still looking for a way to export multiple animations from 3d Studio. The only way to do it right now is to export multiple .js files then manually merge them.

  • kmsravindra

    sorry i've been busy, ill take a look tomorrow.


    You need to turn off "debug" on the bones, making them invisible will still trigger the creation of the debug object which is extra slowdown you can avoid. The boxes are for viewing the collision shape associated with the bone and are unnecessary unless you want to view/debug the collision shapes on the skeleton.

    As for the 3DS exporter, i haven't used it (i dont have a copy of 3DS) so i'm not sure of the workflow. this SO post makes me believe right now it can't directly be done from 3DS (http://stackoverflow.com.80bola.com/que ... -js-from-3) the suggested solution is the same as what you're doing (manually merge).

    I know the blender exporter can export multiple animations. It's possible you'll have to transfer things to blender first.

  • Sure. Thanks. Looking forward to this.

  • kmsravindra

    sorry i've been busy, ill take a look tomorrow.


    You need to turn off "debug" on the bones, making them invisible will still trigger the creation of the debug object which is extra slowdown you can avoid. The boxes are for viewing the collision shape associated with the bone and are unnecessary unless you want to view/debug the collision shapes on the skeleton.

    As for the 3DS exporter, i haven't used it (i dont have a copy of 3DS) so i'm not sure of the workflow. this SO post makes me believe right now it can't directly be done from 3DS (http://stackoverflow.com.80bola.com/que ... -js-from-3) the suggested solution is the same as what you're doing (manually merge).

    I know the blender exporter can export multiple animations. It's possible you'll have to transfer things to blender first.

    Merging Animations from 3DS MAX to .js file is super easy, i did it same way,,,,,, I' am also trying to combine SEA3D exporter with three.js exporter,,,, it has rollout to define,,,, Start - End of animation with Name of sequences for 3DS MAX model,,, ... but it's really nothing easy to do , anyway i ll try to finish it in my spare time.

    Also I have question,,: how will work physics collision for ex:" terrain" in future with q3d ?

    check this,,, nice <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes"> http://mrdoob.github.io/three.js/exampl ... namic.html

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  • Ralph

    Collisions with a terrain/triangle mesh are pretty expensive/slow, especially for physics where accurate collision manifolds are needed. It'll be really slow in javascript so there isn't any support for them right now. In the future I might try adding it but it's very difficult. for now if you really want terrain support it's possible to fake it for a small number of objects with ray-casters to check penetration depth since they collide with geometry, but they are very slow. this would be good for something like a character controller. You could also do it other ways if you had heightmap data in an array.

  • QuaziGNRLnose, just wanted to know if you got a chance to look at the capx file. thanks!

  • Could U please show some .qfx example ?

  • I've been trying to use the q3d plugin as a background for a mostly 2d game(i mean just the background, the tiles, player, etc... are all 2d), but when i do, i get this:

    I have no idea what is causing this, so help would be appreciated greatly.

  • I've been trying to use the q3d plugin as a background for a mostly 2d game(i mean just the background, the tiles, player, etc... are all 2d), but when i do, i get this:

    I have no idea what is causing this, so help would be appreciated greatly.

    maybe try to turn on "clear background" in project settings" i am not sure...

  • Ralph

    Collisions with a terrain/triangle mesh are pretty expensive/slow, especially for physics where accurate collision manifolds are needed. It'll be really slow in javascript so there isn't any support for them right now. In the future I might try adding it but it's very difficult. for now if you really want terrain support it's possible to fake it for a small number of objects with ray-casters to check penetration depth since they collide with geometry, but they are very slow. this would be good for something like a character controller. You could also do it other ways if you had heightmap data in an array.

    I did it with raycasters,,, it's pretty fast if U lerp possitionZ & use every 0.2s to find RAY intersections

  • I purchased the plugin back in aug 2014 and had trouble getting the plugin, several emails but I finally got it. But now my question is how do I get the update? Is it included with the price I originally paid? Thanks

  • shadowofpalms

    All you have to do is use the info from your email and download it again


    What browser are you using and whats the setup you have? Try using "Behind" as the Q3D Master render mode, and making your bottom layer transparent. If anything this might be due to the fact your C2 Project has the project setting "Clear Background" set to "No". In any case i need more information to try to fix the problem, because i can't reproduce it with what you've given me.


    Sorry i've been busy and you're using a later version of construct than i have installed so i couldn't quickly check without downloading and re-installing things.

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