Ralph's Forum Posts

  • Hi,,,, it would be great to add checkbutton and functionality for construct 2 to export source maps from minifier for better debugging,,... THANKS !

  • I am working on multilayer game,,,, i am javascript programmer and Understand how signalling messages are working..... so I am asking if there is any signalling message on your server to to lock/unlock room manually...


    message: "join",

    game: game_,

    instance: instance_,

    room: room_,

    max_clients: max_clients_


    is ther something like this.signallingSend({


    room: this.room

    }); or ? no ?


  • Oops, the server crashed. It's up and running again now. I'll try to investigate what happened and see if I can fix the problem.

    Oh thanks Boss !!!

  • Today,, when I was working on my huge multiplayer work which in future will raise up name of Scirra ltd,,, booom,,, wws. server down....

  • I am so sorry,,,, but in fact that i was shocked like a dinosaur in 21 first century when I was developing my multiplayer game today.....I 've maybe missed section,,,, because of that trauma lol

  • Problem Description

    Scirra wws. server dropped at 6:15 gtm+1 lol

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  • Hello! I was thinking about skeletal animation on mobile. The thing is my characters are pretty much consist of non-bending elements. So what if I use skeletal animation and just parrent my objects to bones? Will it give me an advantage in performance? Which kind of animation is more suitable for my scene, that always contains 8 animated characters. I would really like to know if I'm going the right way. Thanks!

    I can say ,, morph animations are a lot ,lot faster than skeletal

  • > here is example ---- > http://threejsdemo.tk or http://threejsrtsq3d.tk




    http://threejsdemo.tk <--- this 1 purely is black screen every time i refresh

    http://threejsrtsq3d.tk <--- eats 92% cpu usage :O what the hell?

    ... must be something with your megamachine <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_ugeek.gif" alt=":ugeek:" title="Uber Geek"> . AreU using Chrome ? For me it works at 60 fps on 7 years not gaming core2duo&4gigsRam laptop (with broken cooling fan) with around 40-50 cpu usage ,,, on my i7 quadcore&GTX570&12gigsRam it eats only 8-11 percent of CPU so,,, what da ....... <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_question.gif" alt=":?:" title="Question">

    ..both pages are forwarded to same source " there was missing logo images "

  • here is example ---- > http://threejsdemo.tk or http://threejsrtsq3d.tk

    .. try to reload more times,,, there are no autorefresh rules yet

    this is preview of my very serious project. using Q3d plugin,, ,and self modifications..

    â•š arrows -> scroll .......................... ( mouse croll disabled )

    â•š mid button -> orbiting

    â•š LMB -> select . " if U can <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing"> "

    â•š RMB - > move to position

    ◘░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░◘ if u are interested also try http://gunstyle.tk .. here is my 2d multiplayer game [lets battle ]

  • I dont know why,,, three.js "Mr.Doob has removed displacement feature from 3.js ,, maybe sense for step back ?

    also ,,, what about loading custom shaders,,, could u PLEASE provide at least one example of shaderfile.qfx ?

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  • Ralph

    I'm not planning any large feature updates for the time being. Sadly passing a texture from a C2 canvas is not something that can be done with the current WebGL spec since Q3D and C2 use different contexts. One way that you could try to achieve fog of war however would be to use the Q3D "Behind" mode or "Inside" (inside has some issues due to browser adoption). If you place the 3D canvas below the C2 canvas, you can then make fog of war as something 2D inside the construct 2 layer, and overlay it on top of the 3D. Of course this would mean you'd need to fix the camera or apply some transformations to get the C2 scrolling/graphics aligned to the 3D top down view, but this is the way i'd do it since it'd be easiest, and since fog of war is usually 2D anyway. you could probably do this pretty well with sprites/tilemap/canvas/blur depending on the look you want.

    re " Sadly passing a texture from a C2 canvas is not something that can be done with the current WebGL spec since Q3D and C2 use different contexts."

    I did it very well by modifying your plugin,,,,, using Load texture from url --- > from Canvas,,,, & it works pretty good & Cheetah fast - ¥ I'll show U little presentation soon

  • can we somehow convert 3d vector to screen space perspective ?

    // solved now !

  • Any News about next release ? What can we expect ?

    I am also asking Quazi,,,,,,,,, how could I make fog of war for 3d strategy/moba,,,, what would be the best solutions ? Is there possibility to somehow combine native fog in q3d master to do that ? Or we have to do something with special shaders. I can imagine do something like that with something like canvas (render to texture ) and dynamicaly change texture on plane or solution with lights ?

  • I'm probably missing something simple, but I am trying to get my character to play an animation, and it's just sitting there. The problem is that I'm not sure what it wants for the animation name. I just put in what I labeled it as in Modo (i.e. "bow idle"). I don't know if that's what it wants or not. I'm exporting as an obj since I don't see js as an option.

    You can't embed animations in OBJ files. It just isn't possible. The file format doesn't support it. ,,,,you need to find out how to export to .js .json

    i am not sure if there is exporter for MODO to three.js,,, but there is for Blender, 3DS MAX, Maya, Collada.......

    also there are two types,,:

    • MORPH animations using -->Morph controller behavior,
    • SKELETAL animations using --> skeletal anim controller behavior,,

    U need to add bone object if u use Skeletal animations,,

    If U will get propper .json file then ,,, open it with wordpad and check if file contains name of your animation you have exported...

    if yes,, simply play animation with "animationname"

    go to this page --- > http://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/zipball/master --> download it , unzip,, and find file in

    examples/models/skinned/marine/marine_anims.js -- correct file should be like this one as skeletal animations example

    or for morph animations u have example in https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/829 ... amples.zip & open Morph animation demo,,,, in project /files there is ramathama.js & ogro-light.js

  • > Ralph


    > You dont need to do anything with shaders for this to work. Also you fuse the geometry in your modeling software. Itd be pretty slow to do it at runtime for a large number of objects. I could try to implement something for static objects but the issue is then that materials and things would cease to be modifiable.




    > Its still extra overhead, and the string manipulation would be even slower than an if. Whats the issue with separate actions? Its essentially the same.


    Ok ,, i did some research,, and found that ,,,, when I created 100*100 planes with standard SYSTEM "create object "---> q3d model with modelname plane.geom drawcalls was insane 99 percent & abut 10-15fps,,,,, when I did same with your Q3d master,,, 100*100 planes ,, drawcalls dropped to 38 percent & fps raised to 60,,, with 15 animated characters on map,,,,,, so there is maybe things i didnt known before... but,, why that difference ? Should I always create object with Q3d master plugin ? but,, we cant use behaviors then.. or detect collisions with theese objects

    I am looking also for possibility to make fog of war...... with something simmilar to canvas plugin i can imagine how to do that.. but for now,,,,, "thinking"

    ..... maybe problem solved,,,

    I have changed plane.geom size from 100 to 1, or loaded another plane modeled with MAX ,,,,now draw calls shows 70 percent,,, cpu usage 90-95 percent,,, but windows task manager shows 20 percent of cpu usage,,& fps is 60 always ,,, so ,, finaly debuger is showing wrong values ,, no ******** processor actions.. running smooth & nice.....