Q3D V-2.4 [3D Physics + Skeletal Animation UPDATE]

From the Asset Store
Template for a basketball game with a 3D aspect (illusion of 3D)
  • This looks really cool, can you apply a blurred depth of field effect to the 3d scene and use it as a background to a 2d construct 2 game?

  • This looks really cool, can you apply a blurred depth of field effect to the 3d scene and use it as a background to a 2d construct 2 game?

    yes you can create your game in 2d with this plugin, and have a 3d background , however the infront or behind mode of the plugin is requesting a lot of resources and may crash on average spec computers!

    but then you can always make ur game in 3d with it:) just you'd need 3d models .obj files and the rest is going to act as in 2d construct2 just with an extra vertices

  • Can I use animated 2d sprites in the 3d scenes? Or flat planes with animated 2d textures?

    Are there any tutorials/steps on how to do that?

    Edit: I just read the features, and seems like it is possible. I think I'm going to buy this and try messing around with it.

  • I think I found a bug: Set graphic mirrored doesn't mirror the graphic. Same with flipped. I used a q3d sprite object and setting it mirrored in the events doesn't make it appear mirrored.

    It's also being animated if that matters (I wouldn't think so).

  • QuaziGNRLnose , I modified the q3dsprite runtime to fix the flipping/mirroring.

    I added the following code at line 528

    //make sure flip and mirror work
    if(this.sprite.scale.x<0)this.sprite.material.map.offset.x = 1, this.sprite.material.map.repeat.x = -1;
    else this.sprite.material.map.offset.x = 0, this.sprite.material.map.repeat.x = 1;
    if(this.sprite.scale.y<0)this.sprite.material.map.offset.y = 1, this.sprite.material.map.repeat.y = -1;
    else this.sprite.material.map.offset.y = 0, this.sprite.material.map.repeat.y = 1;
    I also added these in the setMirrored and setFlipped Acts:
    		this.mat.map.offset.x = (m === 0 ? 1 : 0);
    		this.mat.map.repeat.x = (m === 0 ? -1 : 1);[/code:vb2c4wpv]
    		this.mat.map.offset.y = (f === 0 ? 1 : 0);
    		this.mat.map.repeat.y = (f === 0 ? -1 : 1);[/code:vb2c4wpv]
  • Ralph

    I'm not planning any large feature updates for the time being. Sadly passing a texture from a C2 canvas is not something that can be done with the current WebGL spec since Q3D and C2 use different contexts. One way that you could try to achieve fog of war however would be to use the Q3D "Behind" mode or "Inside" (inside has some issues due to browser adoption). If you place the 3D canvas below the C2 canvas, you can then make fog of war as something 2D inside the construct 2 layer, and overlay it on top of the 3D. Of course this would mean you'd need to fix the camera or apply some transformations to get the C2 scrolling/graphics aligned to the 3D top down view, but this is the way i'd do it since it'd be easiest, and since fog of war is usually 2D anyway. you could probably do this pretty well with sprites/tilemap/canvas/blur depending on the look you want.

    re " Sadly passing a texture from a C2 canvas is not something that can be done with the current WebGL spec since Q3D and C2 use different contexts."

    I did it very well by modifying your plugin,,,,, using Load texture from url --- > from Canvas,,,, & it works pretty good & Cheetah fast - ¥ I'll show U little presentation soon

  • I dont know why,,, three.js "Mr.Doob has removed displacement feature from 3.js ,, maybe sense for step back ?

    also ,,, what about loading custom shaders,,, could u PLEASE provide at least one example of shaderfile.qfx ?

  • here is example ---- > http://threejsdemo.tk or http://threejsrtsq3d.tk

    .. try to reload more times,,, there are no autorefresh rules yet

    this is preview of my very serious project. using Q3d plugin,, ,and self modifications..

    â•š arrows -> scroll .......................... ( mouse croll disabled )

    â•š mid button -> orbiting

    â•š LMB -> select . " if U can <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing"> "

    â•š RMB - > move to position

    ◘░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░◘ if u are interested also try http://gunstyle.tk .. here is my 2d multiplayer game [lets battle ]

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  • here is example ---- > http://threejsdemo.tk or http://threejsrtsq3d.tk

    http://threejsdemo.tk <--- this 1 purely is black screen every time i refresh

    http://threejsrtsq3d.tk <--- eats 92% cpu usage :O what the hell?

  • Ralph

    Seems the performance is better than I expected, I'll see about adding official support for something eventually. The QFX shader system is incomplete so there wont be any examples for a while. I'm wont working on Q3D for a while (possibly for a few months) since i have other projects to complete for the time being.

  • > here is example ---- > http://threejsdemo.tk or http://threejsrtsq3d.tk




    http://threejsdemo.tk <--- this 1 purely is black screen every time i refresh

    http://threejsrtsq3d.tk <--- eats 92% cpu usage :O what the hell?

    ... must be something with your megamachine <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_ugeek.gif" alt=":ugeek:" title="Uber Geek"> . AreU using Chrome ? For me it works at 60 fps on 7 years not gaming core2duo&4gigsRam laptop (with broken cooling fan) with around 40-50 cpu usage ,,, on my i7 quadcore&GTX570&12gigsRam it eats only 8-11 percent of CPU so,,, what da ....... <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_question.gif" alt=":?:" title="Question">

    ..both pages are forwarded to same source " there was missing logo images "

  • Ralph nah im using firefox... i think was the flashplayer plugin, now is all ok!

    i dont use chrome anymore, since every 2 months purely freezes and doesn't want to start instantly anymore, on this machine i have, its insane, and i have resources to run cryengine and other stuff pretty decent, but a browser stays 30 minutes to boot lol!

  • is there any trial version of this plugin .....

    Also is it possible to create a game like using 3d blocks to build a city or something like that ?

    And would it run smoothly on browser ?

  • Ralph

    I'm wont working on Q3D for a while (possibly for a few months) since i have other projects to complete for the time being.

    Gosh! does that mean the minor fixes that we were talking about will not happen for few months!?

  • I just purchased this awesome plugin !!!

    Have been trying to learn a lot but without any help it is a real problem .....

    As i want to make a replica of voxelpainter of threejs.org to construct 2 using this plugin ??

    threejs.org/examples ... xelpainter

    Have any one done that sucessfully !!!

    if so I would like to know how to get this done completely ?

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