Q3D V-2.4 [3D Physics + Skeletal Animation UPDATE]

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  • Ralph

    You dont need to do anything with shaders for this to work. Also you fuse the geometry in your modeling software. Itd be pretty slow to do it at runtime for a large number of objects. I could try to implement something for static objects but the issue is then that materials and things would cease to be modifiable.

    Its still extra overhead, and the string manipulation would be even slower than an if. Whats the issue with separate actions? Its essentially the same.

    Ok ,, i did some research,, and found that ,,,, when I created 100*100 planes with standard SYSTEM "create object "---> q3d model with modelname plane.geom drawcalls was insane 99 percent & abut 10-15fps,,,,, when I did same with your Q3d master,,, 100*100 planes ,, drawcalls dropped to 38 percent & fps raised to 60,,, with 15 animated characters on map,,,,,, so there is maybe things i didnt known before... but,, why that difference ? Should I always create object with Q3d master plugin ? but,, we cant use behaviors then.. or detect collisions with theese objects

    I am looking also for possibility to make fog of war...... with something simmilar to canvas plugin i can imagine how to do that.. but for now,,,,, "thinking"

  • > Ralph


    > You dont need to do anything with shaders for this to work. Also you fuse the geometry in your modeling software. Itd be pretty slow to do it at runtime for a large number of objects. I could try to implement something for static objects but the issue is then that materials and things would cease to be modifiable.




    > Its still extra overhead, and the string manipulation would be even slower than an if. Whats the issue with separate actions? Its essentially the same.


    Ok ,, i did some research,, and found that ,,,, when I created 100*100 planes with standard SYSTEM "create object "---> q3d model with modelname plane.geom drawcalls was insane 99 percent & abut 10-15fps,,,,, when I did same with your Q3d master,,, 100*100 planes ,, drawcalls dropped to 38 percent & fps raised to 60,,, with 15 animated characters on map,,,,,, so there is maybe things i didnt known before... but,, why that difference ? Should I always create object with Q3d master plugin ? but,, we cant use behaviors then.. or detect collisions with theese objects

    I am looking also for possibility to make fog of war...... with something simmilar to canvas plugin i can imagine how to do that.. but for now,,,,, "thinking"

    ..... maybe problem solved,,,

    I have changed plane.geom size from 100 to 1, or loaded another plane modeled with MAX ,,,,now draw calls shows 70 percent,,, cpu usage 90-95 percent,,, but windows task manager shows 20 percent of cpu usage,,& fps is 60 always ,,, so ,, finaly debuger is showing wrong values ,, no hardcore processor actions.. running smooth & nice.....

  • If you have debug boxes/collider enabled the performance will be much lower, make sure you turn these off. also, turning on "shared material" can improve performance if all models look the same and don't need individual control over textures/colors/ etc.

    Q3D models will also be slower BECAUSE they support behaviours/collisions/animation/animated textures etc. and need to handle these things. Really theres nothing i can do, you need to work within the performance of the plugins, there isnt anything i can do to make the performance way better without usability sacrifices. Plain and simple you cant create too many objects because this is javascript / a browser, you've got to make the most of the performance you can get like you would in any other case. Q3D is already designed to perform very well, the rest is up to your design choices, and proper application of reasonable practices.

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  • I'm probably missing something simple, but I am trying to get my character to play an animation, and it's just sitting there. The problem is that I'm not sure what it wants for the animation name. I just put in what I labeled it as in Modo (i.e. "bow idle"). I don't know if that's what it wants or not. I'm exporting as an obj since I don't see js as an option.

  • I'm probably missing something simple, but I am trying to get my character to play an animation, and it's just sitting there. The problem is that I'm not sure what it wants for the animation name. I just put in what I labeled it as in Modo (i.e. "bow idle"). I don't know if that's what it wants or not. I'm exporting as an obj since I don't see js as an option.

    You can't embed animations in OBJ files. It just isn't possible. The file format doesn't support it. ,,,,you need to find out how to export to .js .json

    i am not sure if there is exporter for MODO to three.js,,, but there is for Blender, 3DS MAX, Maya, Collada.......

    also there are two types,,:

    • MORPH animations using -->Morph controller behavior,
    • SKELETAL animations using --> skeletal anim controller behavior,,

    U need to add bone object if u use Skeletal animations,,

    If U will get propper .json file then ,,, open it with wordpad and check if file contains name of your animation you have exported...

    if yes,, simply play animation with "animationname"

    go to this page --- > http://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/zipball/master --> download it , unzip,, and find file in

    examples/models/skinned/marine/marine_anims.js -- correct file should be like this one as skeletal animations example

    or for morph animations u have example in https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/829 ... amples.zip & open Morph animation demo,,,, in project /files there is ramathama.js & ogro-light.js

  • kmsravindra

    Should be soon but im still busy with personal matters


  • Ralph Thanks, I'll export from Modo to Blender first in a format that it likes, then export as a .js and try again later today and see what happens.

  • Everything ralph wrote is correct. Obj format doesnt support animation data. Youll have to install one of the exporters and pass it through blender. Blender can import a variety of formats. Im investigating new exporter options too.

  • Hi everyone,

    I'm pretty new to this 3D stuff, so I'm wondering if are there any basic tutorials that can help me with this plugin.

    I'm trying to achieve something relatively simple - I want one model to be in the middle of the screen, and if the player drags the screen then the screen rotates around the object. Kinda like 3DSMax when you press Z to lock into an object and right mouse button to rotate the camera around it.

    Any help is appreciated!

  • andreyin

    Here's an example of some various camera controllers set up in one capx using events:

    Camera Controllers

    You'll really need to look around online and learn some math about 3D vectors, trig, and rotation matrices to get a good idea of how to work in 3D and come up with these kinds of things. the plugin has helper functions like "look at" which are difficult to implement for beginners, but orbiting cameras require some knowledge of how vectors work.

  • andreyin

    Here's an example of some various camera controllers set up in one capx using events:

    Camera Controllers

    You'll really need to look around online and learn some math about 3D vectors, trig, and rotation matrices to get a good idea of how to work in 3D and come up with these kinds of things. the plugin has helper functions like "look at" which are difficult to implement for beginners, but orbiting cameras require some knowledge of how vectors work.

    Thanks man!

    By the way, I wanted to ask - are you Davioware with a new account, or is Davioware a team now? (Or maybe it was always a team and I never knew)

    Edit for more questions:

    I'm trying to add more lights to my scene but I don't see an option in the Q3D Master object. The weird thing is, if I copy this line (http://i.imgur.com/Noyl3yi.png) from an example to my project it works perfectly, but if I go to "add new action" I can't find a group called "LIGHTS / HEMISPHERE".

  • Me and davio are brothers and work on things together, weve always been a team

    Those actions are deprecated, use the object "q3d light" instead.

  • QuaziGNRLnose

    Is there another way for me to get the plugin then buying it with Paypal or creditcard?

    I've been working more than a week trying to get money onto my account, but somehow my bank and paypal just don't mix.

  • LittleStain

    Thats all we have set up sadly. You could try a prepaid credit card from a general store/pharmacy maybe?

  • LittleStain

    Thats all we have set up sadly. You could try a prepaid credit card from a general store/pharmacy maybe?

    I'm not even sure we have that here in the Netherlands, haha..

    I can buy an empty one from my bank for about 15 euro's, but as I'm probably only going to use it for this purchase, that's a bit much..

    I'll just keep trying to get the Paypal thing working..

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