> You dont need to do anything with shaders for this to work. Also you fuse the geometry in your modeling software. Itd be pretty slow to do it at runtime for a large number of objects. I could try to implement something for static objects but the issue is then that materials and things would cease to be modifiable.
> —
> Its still extra overhead, and the string manipulation would be even slower than an if. Whats the issue with separate actions? Its essentially the same.
Ok ,, i did some research,, and found that ,,,, when I created 100*100 planes with standard SYSTEM "create object "---> q3d model with modelname plane.geom drawcalls was insane 99 percent & abut 10-15fps,,,,, when I did same with your Q3d master,,, 100*100 planes ,, drawcalls dropped to 38 percent & fps raised to 60,,, with 15 animated characters on map,,,,,, so there is maybe things i didnt known before... but,, why that difference ? Should I always create object with Q3d master plugin ? but,, we cant use behaviors then.. or detect collisions with theese objects
I am looking also for possibility to make fog of war...... with something simmilar to canvas plugin i can imagine how to do that.. but for now,,,,, "thinking"
..... maybe problem solved,,,
I have changed plane.geom size from 100 to 1, or loaded another plane modeled with MAX ,,,,now draw calls shows 70 percent,,, cpu usage 90-95 percent,,, but windows task manager shows 20 percent of cpu usage,,& fps is 60 always ,,, so ,, finaly debuger is showing wrong values ,, no ******** processor actions.. running smooth & nice.....