Ralph's Forum Posts

  • Ralph

    You dont need to do anything with shaders for this to work. Also you fuse the geometry in your modeling software. Itd be pretty slow to do it at runtime for a large number of objects. I could try to implement something for static objects but the issue is then that materials and things would cease to be modifiable.

    Its still extra overhead, and the string manipulation would be even slower than an if. Whats the issue with separate actions? Its essentially the same.

    Ok ,, i did some research,, and found that ,,,, when I created 100*100 planes with standard SYSTEM "create object "---> q3d model with modelname plane.geom drawcalls was insane 99 percent & abut 10-15fps,,,,, when I did same with your Q3d master,,, 100*100 planes ,, drawcalls dropped to 38 percent & fps raised to 60,,, with 15 animated characters on map,,,,,, so there is maybe things i didnt known before... but,, why that difference ? Should I always create object with Q3d master plugin ? but,, we cant use behaviors then.. or detect collisions with theese objects

    I am looking also for possibility to make fog of war...... with something simmilar to canvas plugin i can imagine how to do that.. but for now,,,,, "thinking"

  • > learningthreejs.com/blog/2011/10/05/performance-merging-geometry


    > does this above works same if we add object as child ? will this save some performance if it is positioned as child "for example "3d healthbar" instead of using using set positions every tick ?


    No its not the same, children actually have worse performance than seperate objects in some cases. That article is referring to the practice of lets say making blades of grass all part of the same model instead of seperate objects to make the cpu do less work in calculating only a single transform vs 1000s. This is good practice to delegate work to the gpu.

    thx,,,, for your answer,,

    what should i do if I would like to have for example 300-500 trees ,50 rocks, plants...etc..

    is there any trick to avoid performance kill ? If I create simple 1000 cubes on map "simple geometry" it will increase cpu /drawcalls usage by 35 percent. I have quadcore i7 with 12gb ram , gtx570 .. "lights,, shadows disabled,,, basic shader used."

    thats why i am asking if there is possible to do something like that ----> http://learningthreejs.com/blog/2011/10 ... -geometry/ ,, ,, i dont need to move or interact with theese objects.........just save performance................. or three.js is limmited to count of objects . or... maybe i am doing something wrong,,,, or maybe debugger is showing wrong

    <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes">

    also ,, I would need some .qfx example to get into it.

  • http://learningthreejs.com/blog/2011/10 ... -geometry/

    does this above works same if we add object as child ? will this save some performance if it is positioned as child "for example "3d healthbar" instead of using using set positions every tick ?

  • Ralph

    Collisions with a terrain/triangle mesh are pretty expensive/slow, especially for physics where accurate collision manifolds are needed. It'll be really slow in javascript so there isn't any support for them right now. In the future I might try adding it but it's very difficult. for now if you really want terrain support it's possible to fake it for a small number of objects with ray-casters to check penetration depth since they collide with geometry, but they are very slow. this would be good for something like a character controller. You could also do it other ways if you had heightmap data in an array.

    I did it with raycasters,,, it's pretty fast if U lerp possitionZ & use every 0.2s to find RAY intersections

  • I've been trying to use the q3d plugin as a background for a mostly 2d game(i mean just the background, the tiles, player, etc... are all 2d), but when i do, i get this:

    I have no idea what is causing this, so help would be appreciated greatly.

    maybe try to turn on "clear background" in project settings" i am not sure...

  • Could U please show some .qfx example ?

  • kmsravindra

    sorry i've been busy, ill take a look tomorrow.


    You need to turn off "debug" on the bones, making them invisible will still trigger the creation of the debug object which is extra slowdown you can avoid. The boxes are for viewing the collision shape associated with the bone and are unnecessary unless you want to view/debug the collision shapes on the skeleton.

    As for the 3DS exporter, i haven't used it (i dont have a copy of 3DS) so i'm not sure of the workflow. this SO post makes me believe right now it can't directly be done from 3DS (http://stackoverflow.com.80bola.com/que ... -js-from-3) the suggested solution is the same as what you're doing (manually merge).

    I know the blender exporter can export multiple animations. It's possible you'll have to transfer things to blender first.

    Merging Animations from 3DS MAX to .js file is super easy, i did it same way,,,,,, I' am also trying to combine SEA3D exporter with three.js exporter,,,, it has rollout to define,,,, Start - End of animation with Name of sequences for 3DS MAX model,,, ... but it's really nothing easy to do , anyway i ll try to finish it in my spare time.

    Also I have question,,: how will work physics collision for ex:" terrain" in future with q3d ?

    check this,,, nice <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes"> http://mrdoob.github.io/three.js/exampl ... namic.html

  • Any idea how to make fog of war ?

  • Ralph

    In the three.js zip file you downloaded from http://threejs.org/, there is a model with multiple animations that you'll find at:


    you can try the "Alert anim. info" action with the skeletal controller/morph controller to see if Q3D recognized your animations in the model file. If the animation isn't playing it probably isn't properly exporting, so it's something wrong with the file.

    to play an animation you simply have to play it by using it's name with the action.

    thx alot for help,,,, its working now,, it was bad formatting <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

  • > Ralph


    > That'd be more of the job of an exporter / third party tool than Q3D, It's got support for multiple animations but if your workflow means you set things up like that on the timeline in your modeling software you should know Q3D expects the animations in JSON to be separated according to the standards of the file format.


    > You could probably make a tool in construct itself where you define names and ranges and it generates a new model file, but i'm not keen on supporting it in the plugin as parsing out the animations like that is something that i feel should be handled by the user since they're responsible for the models, and it'd be rather cumbersome to set up in events anyway.


    I am working on exporter for 3ds max ,, but still with no success,, ,,, -- > need to study maxscript little bit more.

    I did file with two skeletal animations,, "action" and "kick"

    when i try to play animation "action" it show only model but not animated ,, if i play "kick" it plays animation

    I don't know if I am doing something wrong or there is some trick to get it working in C2 or have bad formatting in file. if I ll try with three animations, , it always plays only last

    Could U please provide .js model with multiple animations to do exporter well? {if u have one } ?


  • Ralph

    That'd be more of the job of an exporter / third party tool than Q3D, It's got support for multiple animations but if your workflow means you set things up like that on the timeline in your modeling software you should know Q3D expects the animations in JSON to be separated according to the standards of the file format.

    You could probably make a tool in construct itself where you define names and ranges and it generates a new model file, but i'm not keen on supporting it in the plugin as parsing out the animations like that is something that i feel should be handled by the user since they're responsible for the models, and it'd be rather cumbersome to set up in events anyway.

    I am working on exporter for 3ds max ,, but still with no success,, ,,, -- > need to study maxscript little bit more.

  • Skeletal Animation Works Great ! Use Exporter for 3DS MAX.!.. from this page http://threejs.org/.. click download button on this page,, there is exporter in zip file..

    Good JOB !,,,,



    but, there would be great to have feature to define Animations from frames,,,, "if i have one big animation for example 1000 frames,,, and it contains a lot of animations for example:,,, 0-20 iddle ,, 21-50 walk,,, 51-100 swim,, 101 - 150 axe kick head <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

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  • Ralph

    Can you send me the .capx, that's a strange issue that i haven't run into, and i've created lots of objects, otherwise i can't help.

    So,, it wasnt that problem sorry,, i found its it is happening when u are creating object with CAPSULE physics body,, ,,, if i set it to collider shape,, it works

    i've tried it many times with box, sphere, cylinder, use collider shape,,,,, but finaly CAPSULE is wrong

    try simply : ON right mouse button : system/create object at ray x,y on ground with CAPSULE set,and create create click click that button to create many objects,, this should be bug

  • Ralph

    Can you send me the .capx, that's a strange issue that i haven't run into, and i've created lots of objects, otherwise i can't help.

    I've solved this,,, ,,, fail i did was,,,,, that i had after create object ACTION ,,---->

    -----> q3dmorphcontroller: play morph animation "default" from current possition

    after disabling this,,, it works perfect....... so i have to use

    OnCreated -----> q3dmorphcontroller: play morph animation "default" from current possition

    Great Great Plugin,,, hat off !

  • if I ll try to create many objects with your physics behavior by Right mouse button clicking ,,, it says ....

    Javascript error!

    Uncaught TypeError : Cannot read property 'pair' of undefined

    http:// localhost:5000/Oimo.js, line 11059(col 22)

    maybe bug ?