shadowofpalms's Forum Posts

  • I purchased the plugin back in aug 2014 and had trouble getting the plugin, several emails but I finally got it. But now my question is how do I get the update? Is it included with the price I originally paid? Thanks

  • Hey Cipriux, It's been a while but I think I used Crosswalk. I still have the games I exported on my kindle fire hdx and they still work great. If I remember correctly I followed the tutorial at ... -crosswalk . I hope this helps.

  • I have developed a few games to run on the kindle (ran them on the HD and the HDX). I have not sold them on amazon yet, just side loaded them on my own machines to test and they ran fine. I used the intel XDK to prepare them to be loaded on the kindle and it worked fine.

    There are a lot of apps for sale on the app store and I have purchased many myself so they are not all free downloads.

  • Great job! I can't wait to give the tutorial a try. I think most people left comments on the tutorial instead of here. Thanks for your hard work and instruction.

  • Awesome game and graphics! Great job.

  • Well, my son and I got through all the levels in the game and I have to say you made a great game. It's quite addicting. The last level, with the cauldron, was by far the hardest and took some time but we made it through. I don't know why it's only rated at two stars because it is an excellent game with a cool feel. I think the players on that site are just not playing past the first level. Thanks and great job.

  • I love this game! You did a great job.

  • They resent the email and I have the plugin now. I can't wait to give it a try! Thanks!

  • I still haven't received the plugin. I'm a little bummed. I guess I'l just keep waiting.

  • The paypal receipt was the only email I received about this plugin. I PMed QuaziGNRLnose so maybe he can help. It may be that he just hasn't gotten around to sending it to me yet.

  • Thanks for your reply. I have a receipt from paypal but there is no attachment. I have two email accounts linked to the paypal account, one primary and one secondary, I checked both of them and no attachment. How else can I get it?

  • I'm really excited about the plugin. I purchased it last night but haven't received the email. I don't have a spam filter so I know that is not the problem. I was wondering if the email was supposed to be automated or will I get it later today.

    I can't wait to try this great plugin.

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  • Anyone have any luck on a C2 scorm LMS solution? I'm getting frustrated with Captivate and would love to do my some of my work in C2.

  • Hi,

    This is a great start and will be very helpful for a game I wanted to make for my son. Thanks. By the way I added a slight time delay at the "touchEnd=true" statement (0.25) and changed the world gravity for the bird to 0 just before the delay and back to 10 just after the delay. This seemed to stop the intermittent problem of the bird not launching all the time (I know there is probably a better way to do it but it works for now).

    Thanks again.

  • Thanks for the update. Good to know.