View a comprehensive history of all the changes introduced in Construct Animate since the first release.

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Layout view: revert fix for override layer issue as it caused a crash (regression r341)
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Add 'Copy' button to 'Taking screenshots' example
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Dark/light themes: revert Layers Bar to default theme style layout so it works properly with sub-layers
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Animations editor: default to sorting folders in ascending order when bulk importing animations
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Animations editor: improve collision polygon guessing
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Update custom action icons
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Project bar: use family icon overlay for family folders
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Video recorder: ensure current browser tab can be chosen for screen recording
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Disable worker mode in Safari to work around issue with upcoming version of Safari
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Project Bar: disable use of clipboard shortcuts (e.g. Ctrl+X) on object types under family items
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Properties Bar: don't apply rounding to instance variable number values
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Loop all animated effects after 3 hours to prevent degrading quality over time due to floating point precision
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Templates: duplicating an instance which is a template now sets it as a replica of the corresponding template
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Avoid redundant title bar text when editor installed as an app in Chrome/Edge
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Disable worker mode in Safari
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Update branding
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Remove beta period notification dialogs
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Windows WebView2 export: disable media keys to prevent them affecting music playback
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Animations editor: allow using editor while previewing animation
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Animations editor: show folders first and then root level animations in the animations pane
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Increase free edition scripting limits to 250 total lines of code in project for guests, or 500 if logged in, with no other restrictions
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Layout view: don't show polygons of Sprite instances with disabled collisions
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Update CodeMirror (text/code editor) to v5.65.10
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Gamepad: allow using -1 for any gamepad in 'On gamepad any button pressed/released'
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Gamepad: replace LastButton expression with ButtonIndex, as due to an oversight LastButton never used its parameter