View a comprehensive history of all the new features in Construct Animate since the first release.

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MIDI plugin: handle MIDI input/output to connected MIDI devices
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Instance Bar
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New 'Tags' instance property (plus relevant event and scripting features)
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First LTS release!
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Browser object: Progressive Web App (PWA) installation
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Flowcharts editor and new Flowchart Controller object
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HTML layers: allows placing Construct objects on top of HTML elements
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CSV plugin
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TypeScript support
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Dynamic layers: add, move and remove layers at runtime
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Internationalization plugin
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Text object: show icons in text
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New QR Code plugin
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Clipboard plugin - allows copy/paste operations
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Custom actions
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Tiled Background: tile randomization option to break up repetitive appearance
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Timeline bar: auto-keyframing
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Support for exporting MP4 videos with H.264/AAC codecs
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Support for exporting projects using WebP image format for a smaller file size
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Support for exporting videos with AV1 codec in both MP4 and WebM format
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Export to GIF