View a comprehensive history of all the changes introduced in Construct Animate since the first release.
Remove beta period notification dialogs
Windows WebView2 export: disable media keys to prevent them affecting music playback
Animations editor: allow using editor while previewing animation
Animations editor: show folders first and then root level animations in the animations pane
Increase free edition scripting limits to 250 total lines of code in project for guests, or 500 if logged in, with no other restrictions
Layout view: don't show polygons of Sprite instances with disabled collisions
Update CodeMirror (text/code editor) to v5.65.10
Gamepad: allow using -1 for any gamepad in 'On gamepad any button pressed/released'
Gamepad: replace LastButton expression with ButtonIndex, as due to an oversight LastButton never used its parameter
Properties Bar: move some project properties from 'Advanced' group to 'Compatibility settings'
Update zip file support to use Zip64 format, allowing over 65535 files in .c3p/.zip files
Find bar: select search term when pressing Ctrl+F again
Find bar: remember last used 'Look in' and 'Match case' settings
Parameters dialog: allow autocomplete box to shrink with few content items
Sort "usedAddons" list in .c3proj file to avoid unnecessary changes on source control
Remove "version" field from built-in addons in "usedAddons" list in .c3proj file to avoid unnecessary changes on source control
When saving folder projects, skip updating file metadata for unchanged files to avoid unnecessary changes in source control
Improve tracking of mouse/touch inputs in worker mode
Layout view: allow margin markers to appear with smaller margin values
Layers: use an icon to denote global layers rather than text
When opening project, only wait for login state when loading data/text editor tabs
Remove Shift+W keyboard shortcut (it will be reimplemented in next release cycle)
Revert fixes to Physics behavior since r311 as it caused regressions
Allow Ctrl+F shortcut to bring up Find bar at any time (rather than just in event sheets)
Find bar: move 'filter' field next to 'find' field
Find bar: limit to maximum 5000 results to avoid issues with extraordinary numbers of results
Remove event sheet 'Find' dialog in favor of showing Find Results bar directly
Tween & Timelines: change implementation of built in easing functions
Use real subfolders in project folders to match subfolders in the Project Bar
Preserve case on filenames in saved projects
Require valid filenames for project files and folders (may cause some invalid names to be changed)
Timeline bar: overwrite keyframes when dragging another keyframe on top of it
Timeline bar: 'ease' and 'path mode' value of master keyframes will now take precedence over the same property in a corresponding property track
Shadow Light: improve rendering of shadow penumbras
Update minified exports to avoid using newer JavaScript features that are not as widely supported yet
Animations editor: default to sorting numerically-named image files when importing
Change image export format dialog to list Lossless/Lossy formats rather than PNG/JPEG
Update help links to point to new Construct Animate manual