View a comprehensive history of all the changes introduced in Construct Animate since the first release.

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Revert fixes to Physics behavior since r311 as it caused regressions
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Allow Ctrl+F shortcut to bring up Find bar at any time (rather than just in event sheets)
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Find bar: move 'filter' field next to 'find' field
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Find bar: limit to maximum 5000 results to avoid issues with extraordinary numbers of results
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Remove event sheet 'Find' dialog in favor of showing Find Results bar directly
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Tween & Timelines: change implementation of built in easing functions
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Use real subfolders in project folders to match subfolders in the Project Bar
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Preserve case on filenames in saved projects
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Require valid filenames for project files and folders (may cause some invalid names to be changed)
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Timeline bar: overwrite keyframes when dragging another keyframe on top of it
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Timeline bar: 'ease' and 'path mode' value of master keyframes will now take precedence over the same property in a corresponding property track
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Shadow Light: improve rendering of shadow penumbras
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Update minified exports to avoid using newer JavaScript features that are not as widely supported yet
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Animations editor: default to sorting numerically-named image files when importing
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Change image export format dialog to list Lossless/Lossy formats rather than PNG/JPEG
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Update help links to point to new Construct Animate manual
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Timeline bar: allow editing instances in Layout View when editing mode is on and they don't belong to active timeline
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Timeline bar: use separate play and pause icons when previewing a timeline
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Timeline bar: space bar while previewing now pauses the timeline at the current time
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Timeline bar: swap toolbar button icons to cycle through keyframes
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Timeline bar: put cut/copy/paste in same row in context menu
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Timeline bar: scroll the current time marker into view when cycling through keyframes
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Timeline bar: use the space bar alone to preview the current timeline
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Timeline bar: keyframe multi-selection now always enabled
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Timeline bar: tracks can now only be sorted by drag and drop from the middle section of the bar
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Try to work around possible error loading runtime if server blocks blob: URLs
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Timeline bar: preview timeline when scrubbing the playhead (hold Ctrl/Cmd to prevent preview)
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Timeline bar: do not change the playhead position when clicking on a keyframe
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Add a new 'Animation' exporter category
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Hierarchies: revert change introduced in r295 that changed the behaviour of the 'Transform angle' toggle
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Fully transparent pixels no longer fill depth buffer, making it easier to handle transparency in 3D