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    > To put it in perspective it is better to have 1,000 customers buying a license and subscription at that price than it is to have only a 100 buy the license for more and never subscribe.


    You are welcome to your opinion but the math is the math and having more volume of customers is better than having less and the higher the cost the less customers you will have as any business owner will tell you.

    Have a great day!

  • Hey,

    What are your intentions with the game, sell it as an app or just for fun/testing or..? Just curious.

    - R

    This is still very early beta and is just testing the traffic and driving for now. That first level is practice so you can learn to enter and exit traffic and move from lane to lane.

    If you rush right out in traffic in a real car you get slammed from behind in real life lol!

    The story is not following Grand Theft Auto and this is Grand Thumb Auto. I intentionally will keep any criminal behavior out of the game and after you collect the dropped money from the armored car you will return it and get a reward to pay for your car.

    Then you will be busy picking up customers and taking them to their destinations. Some customers have very interesting stories that will send you on missions to earn bonuses and better vehicles and you will be able to exit the vehicle and complete side missions.

    The story is still developing but you will become involved with characters like Kelly the hot dispatcher maybe and fall in love. That is just one idea.

    I will probably make it free to play with a shorter story version and maybe a long version with scenery and cars and missions for a paid version but I am a long ways from making that decision. For now it is just for fun.

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    Angiel, between now and the beta by April we'll be showing you lots of Construct 3 things

    Hi Tom!

    From what I have read of the preliminary plan I just think Scirra is pricing themselves out of business going with such a high subscription rate.

    Having run online businesses that needs people to subscribe and stay tuned for new materials I can tell you that very few people will pay $99 a year for a subscription.

    I suggest you would make more money having more volume of customers and more customers attracts more customers if you would set your C3 personal license at $50 and $20 a year subscription gets you all the updates and addons and what ever other bonuses you can think of as incentives.

    People will get a great deal at $50 for a licensed version and will be alot more inclined to sign up for a $20 subscription for ongoing updates and addons and that is ongoing revenue for Scirra.

    To put it in perspective it is better to have 1,000 customers buying a license and subscription at that price than it is to have only a 100 buy the license for more and never subscribe.

    Just my opinion!

  • Checking it every 30 seconds is causing the problem. Remove that from the events and it should work.

    The way you have it set it will always go to Retry level because it will send you there before you ever reach 12 points. Use a different trigger to check your score like on player dead.

    Set a global variable and call it EnemyCreated and one called EnemyKilled

    Each time an enemy is created add 1 to EnemyCreated and when an enemy is killed add 1 to EnemyKilled.

    Every tick check to see if they are equal and if so then all enemies have been killed.

    If you are spawning enemies continually you will need to stop spawning while you check if all enemies are dead.

  • lamar

    i will try it on the ipad pro today and let you know how that goes.

    Hi Harrio! I added a new layout and made the flipper and plunger control pads bigger. Flipper controls go all the way to top and bottom now. Give it a try and tell me what you think please.

    UPDATE: Added a new layout to Magnetron and made the touch controls bigger for us fat finger people. I am still designing layouts and missions for this game if anyone wants to help I will pay for good layouts. PM me.

    Original is here:

  • lamar that works only for up down left and right, as I can not have two key released conditions in the same event. Unless I am missing some thing.

    Though I want my character to face the diagonals of the 8 angle movement when set to 45 degree intervals, when they have stopped moving on that angle.

    Did you change the Set Angle to "no" in the sprites behaviors?

    You can use a sub event to check if both keys are released.

    Main event checks if one key released and sub event checks if other key is released.

  • Looks like they got the arcade back online and I updated one of my games after a couple of failed attempts.

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  • UPDATE: Added in another car and closed gap in traffic to make it more challenging and increased cash drops so you can accomplish the first mission a little faster.

    Check it out and test your driving skills:

    Working on customer pickups and drop offs today and some scenery.

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    Scirra ?lgs@Scirra 11h11 hours ago

    Sorry for downtime, think we're back now! Lot's of traffic hitting us!

    1 reply 0 retweets 8 likes

    Forum and website working but arcade games still throwing 404 errors on all games.

  • Hey mods or anyone that knows what is going on with Scirra arcade 404 errors?

    Arcade offline for several hours now.

  • The site obviously wasnt built to take the amount of tears flowing from people who point blank refuse to pay Scirra a few dollars a month for C3

    What's so special about C3 that we can't already do with C2?

  • On player collision with ceiling play squish animation.

    I make my own player death animations all the time.

    Squish would be easy.

    Just copy the top of the animation of the player and drag it down and repeat for several frames until there is nothing left.