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    UPDATE: The Demo Version is now in the Scirra arcade here:

    This is the first mission only and will let you test your driving skills. I will be adding many more missions, scenery, cars and traffic and the story will be developed as I go along so bookmark the game and this topic and you will be notified when I update the game.

    Thanks and enjoy the game!

  • Added: I have a game that allows the user to choose different players. I copy just the movement controls for each player and use a Global variable to determine which player is being used.

    When a player is chosen it is created where the old player sprite is and the old player sprite is destroyed.

    Then I use OR events for my collisions that effects the objects collided with not the player sprite.

    That way your variables like score all stay the same and you just create new layouts and use one event sheet for all the layouts.

    It works well if you just need to change players inside a game.

  • Load will always take you to the saved game layout and set variables where they were when you saved.

    If you are trying to keep variables then you will need to store them in another variable and then load and reset the variables to your saved data.

    If you want to load a game and then have it go to a different layout then include a command in the game to go to a specific layout. When you load just click that command and it will go to whatever layout you specified.

  • Set layout scale and then scroll to an object somewhere in the center of the area you want to take a snapshot of.

    I have not used the new C2 capture feature but that should work. You may get a blown up image but would probably work.

  • That is one of the frustrations I have ran into on C2 many times. They need a way to change from one sprite to another and from within a sprites frames so you don't have to create different movements events for multiple player sprites.

    You can use different animations within a sprite and the movements will still work but then you have to set up a variable to tell the movements which animations to use for different players and you are still working too hard to accomplish something that should be simple.

    Best suggestion I have is to make a duplicate of your event sheet and start changing out the sprites in the events without changing anything else. I have had to do that a few times.

  • UPDATE: Added more cars and now you can pick up and drop off customers. Smoothed out traffic and increased your car speed and added a little drift to make it interesting. Leader board now working.

    Check it out and test your driving skills:

    NOTE: Scirra arcade server has been running slow so it may take awhile to load games and if it stalls restart. If you see the old version clear your browser cache and reload.

    This is the first mission only and will let you test your driving skills. I will be adding many more missions, scenery, cars and traffic and the story will be developed as I go along so bookmark the game and this topic and you will be notified when I update the game.

    Thanks and enjoy the game!

    Do you love fast driving games?

    Grand Thumb Auto is a driving game with missions to complete and goals to unlock for better cars, NOS systems, and new scenery.

    The game is deigned for phone or Ipad or computer and the car can be driven with a thumb stick (steering wheel) or with the mouse or arrow keys.

    The story: You start out as a newbie that wants to be a SuperUber taxi driver. You have to earn enough to pay off your car by accomplishing missions. First mission is to collect the money that has fallen out of the back of an armored car.

    Then once you have paid for your car you can collect fares by picking up people and taking them to their destinations. There will be many different destinations and the faster you get them there without an accident the more you get paid.

    If you get in to a fender bender you will spend time and cash at the garage and you will be there more than you like because the traffic gets heavier and the missions get harder as you become a better driver. Get in a serious accident and you will visit the hospital or worse!

    Some of the scenes will include an ocean beach, city, country and maybe even off road and you will have stops along the way to get out and stretch your legs, buy some food or maybe fall in love.

    Beautiful scenery, fast cars and good music- what more could you ask for?

    OK that is the plan for this game all done in a small screen space with fast loading graphics and action.

    I have the driving and traffic mechanics working excellent and just need to design the scenery and missions so bookmark this topic and follow along as I progress on the game please and leave some feedback and ideas for missions in the comments.

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  • Problem Description

    System Crash after attempting to view a preview of sprite animation. Was making sprite animation and loading in an explosion to copy into the animation in a new frame and using cut and paste. When I tried to preview the sprite the whole screen went black. Then it came back on after a minute and the top controls of C2 all appeared burnt gray. I saved my work and closed and there was a strange glitch box left on my screen about the size of a file folder. I shut down and rebooted and glitch box was gone.

    I ran C2 capx again and checked that sprite preview and this time it crashed the system and went to black and shut down C2 and my Chrome browser and internet connection and started my system asking for my password.

    I deleted that animation and checked other animations and it did not do it again. I was cutting and pasting multiple times back on to an animation to create a fire effect and it has something to do with that cutting and pasting into an existing animation frame I think?

    Attach a Capx

    ____ Upload a Capx to this post ____

    Description of Capx

    ____ Concise description of what this CapX does ____

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1
    • Step 2
    • Step 3 etc.

    Observed Result

    ____ What happens? ____

    Expected Result

    ____ What do you expect to happen? ____

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES/NO) Yes
    • FireFox: (YES/NO)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES/NO)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    ____ Your operating system and service pack ____ E=Windows 10 64 bit

    Construct 2 Version ID

    ____ Exact version ID of Construct 2 you're using ____

    239 64 bit

  • Set Global Variable TAPPED=0

    On Tap On Object Planesprite............................... Set Planesprite animation "UP"

    TAPPED =0.......................................................................Set TAPPED =1

    On Tap On Object Planesprite............................... Set Planesprite animation "DOWN"

    TAPPED=1........................................................................Set TAPPED=0

    If you are tapping very quickly as in a tap game or flappy game this may not work without a slight pause to give screen tap time to read next tap so add in a WAIT 0.3 Seconds at end of each event.

  • I started publishing materials (not games) over 20 years ago and most never made much money and then I found a niche with lots of followers and I wrote for that niche and built up a large amount of subscribers that follow my work and the result was I was able to retire and live comfortably from that work and royalties will continue even after I am gone.

    The key is to find a niche and be the best at creating for that niche. For example there are new Zombie games created every day and most never make any money and the market is saturated.

    BUT there are a whole lot of little boys and girls that need and their parents want educational games so make educational games with a Zombie theme and you have a niche no one else is doing.

    Next you should not expect to get rich overnight with one game creation. You might and get very lucky developing the next Minecraft but chances are you won't and that is OK.

    There are 3 ways to become a millionaire. Have a rich family member and inherit it. Sell something worth a million dollars or sell something worth $5 for $1 to a million people.

    Create a great product with lots of features and then make it available for an unbelievable low price or include adds that generate ongoing revenue and publish it for free. Not many people have a million dollars to buy anything but everyone has a buck to spend on something really worth a lot more.

    Create alternate streams of revenue from your games and advertising, youtube videos, and addons and sprite packs are all ways to get people to drop a buck to support an ongoing game with good support.

    Donations and kickstarter for new projects with real potential can also be used but make sure you follow through on your commitment to produce the game.

    Developing a following and using social media and even paid advertising can greatly boost sales and get your product noticed and once you get a following ask them to help promote your game by setting up a forum and keeping your customers notified of updates and addons.

    So, you can spend your time trying to create the perfect million dollar game and some people get lucky but even many professionally designed games fail to generate interest or you can focus on developing many games and when one is getting a lot of interest and developing followers that is the one to focus your attention on and make it go viral using social media and you will start generating income.

    Each game you create is an investment in your design skills and the more games you create the better and faster you get at designing games so invest in your skills, make lots of games and be the best at the niche your choose and the money will follow.

  • Coming along nicely!

    I play a lot of escape games with puzzles and from what I have observed most people give up after 30 minutes if they can't make significant progress in the game.

    So keep puzzles moderately hard but not hair pulling swear at the screen frustrating would be my suggestion.

  • ADDED: Please show each component separate from the layout graphic and then with correct placement on the layout as I have to make sprites of each component with collision boxes.

    Flippers and plunger and bottom drain are already made. You can apply colors and graphics to those to fit the theme you are designing. If you create lights tell me what they connect to for scoring and color recommended please.

  • Looking great! Did you get the issue with snapping of new tiles figured out? It looks like it from the image above.

    Ever played a platformer in the dark?

    I just added a darkness and rain effect and you can only see platforms when you are very close to them- cool effect. I will add snow and other effects today.