VinniePin's Recent Forum Activity

  • 🎉The Winners!🎉

    We want to thank everyone for participating, it was a fantastic game jam. We managed to make 36 games and had a great time playing them! Everyone involved managed to make a game in a short time and receive feedback from their peers. That's what it's all about!

    Congrats to the winners Federico Calchera and Abho!

    And Congrats to the honorable mentions Snugpig Studios, TackerTacker and Chrishie

    You can play all of the games that were submitted at this URL! We look forward to seeing everyone who participates in next year's jam!

  • Any chance we can get an expression version so I can set text? :)

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  • You'll want to ensure to only use that event if the touch.x and touch.y are not near the joystick portion of the screen!

    distance ( touch.x , touch.y , joystick.x , joystick.y ) will derive the distance

  • Last bump for this one! The jam begins in 24 hours! Anyone who might be interested in participating in a Construct 2 or Construct 3 game jam is welcome to check out the jam page.

    The prizes and the glory await!

  • Bumping this one! Only 7 days left to sign up. Prizes and Glory await :D

  • Hey y'all! A bunch of us have gotten together and put this game jam together. Scirra has also generously offered to help us with the prizes. Excited to see what y'all cook up!


  • As per the latest change to the beta cycle: the spritesheets have an option to be disabled! This is amazing. Thanks a ton for Ashley's hard work and ear to the community.

    Now all thats left is to showcase this fantastic functionality to our players! I'll post if anything cool becomes of it

  • Perhaps there's other ways to solve this - for example if Construct could export metadata about spritesheets (i.e. the location and size of every image), then in theory some external tool could take a folder of individual image files and paste them over spritesheets, and that could be robust against future changes to the project. It would keep the benefits of spritesheets and only need a minor change to Construct, exporting some extra info it already has.

    I know for sure i won't be making a tool like this. Way beyond my skill level, but if someone else or Scirra makes it, im not opposed to instructing the users to use it for modding.

    Of course telling them "replace the pngs if you want to change the art" is much more straight forward but i won't keep beating the dead horse.

    Oh and one comment about some users wanting modding and others not wanting it. Steam allows the developer to distribute different versions based on the user's preferences. So perhaps the more performant (spritesheet enabled version) could be distributed like that :) (not applicable for web platforms, ofc. lots of considerations )

  • I don't think it's a simple thing to just turn off spritesheets. Spritesheets are always power-of-two sized, and while WebGL 2+ supports non-power-of-two texture sizes, WebGL 1 does not. There's still enough WebGL 1 systems out there that I think if it just exported a bunch of non-power-of-two individal images then your game will be broken on a small percentage of systems, but enough that you'll get a lot of "game doesn't work" reports.

    Then there's other issues like larger games losing the benefits of spritesheets could become significantly larger to download and significantly slower to load, and have a runtime performance hit too. It could be a massive deoptimisation for your game that slows things down even for players who don't want to mod anything and just play the stock game, which I think is an unfortunate trade-off.

    Perhaps some of that can be mitigated in various ways, but it's complicated. Modding is a very large area if you want to go further to adding new kinds of objects, changing game logic, adding new kinds of level themes, etc. as well. I fear this may be one of these areas people say "just add A!" then "just add B!" then "just add C!" and then on for another 20 things over months/years.

    Fair enough! I'll admit it's already possible for me to offer a set of in-game tools to the player to inject their own custom art and music and have those changes propagate through the game. I consider it a big hassle, but i guess turning off spritesheeting is equally or moreso a big hassle for Scirra.

    Oh btw, to address your concerns with larger projects being slowed down by disabling spritesheeting; my suggestion was to have a bool in the export options to enable or disable based on the preferences of the developer. With enabled being the default option of course :)

  • I agree that those things would be a huge benefit, but I would be enormously grateful for merely disabling the automatic atlas creation when exporting. That would at least allow the users to change all that stuff manually and for it to not get lost across tiny version differences in the game.

  • It's also considerably more messy to have essentially two copies of every image in the project. One in a local folder (for modding) and the original in the image folder. Which also includes the annoyance of teaching the players to mod the modding folder images instead of the other images. And, not to mention, a ton of refactoring to a project that has hundreds of sprites and tiled bgs, and so on

  • You can load sprite images from a URL which might work better. That bypasses the whole spritesheeting system.

    Not every object that has art in a construct project has the capacity to load from URL

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Member since 28 Feb, 2018

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