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  • Is your array object's size set properly?

    As far as I can tell it's changed dynamically when I load the json data. The array was set at the default dimensions of 5x1 but there are more than 30 macros that have been working flawlessly. In any case, changing the dimensions of the array had no effect unfortunately.

  • Hi everyone. I've encountered an issue. I've made a feature in my game so I can have multiple translations of the game and the player can choose the language during runtime. This has worked perfectly for more than a year but now, for some reason, anything after entry 36 just returns a blank.

    I have a json file where I store texts for various languages:

    Every time a layout is started these entries are put into an array:

    I've checked the array during debug and it has all the entries so it's not because they're missing.

    Does anyone have an idea of what's gone wrong?


  • I'm working on a game about Wilford the wombat. It's inspired by Bomberman, Minecraft and roguelites. Very early in development still. I would love for people to try it out and hear it if they have any feedback.

    The purpose of the game is to save Wilford's house from foreclosure by the bank. To do this he goes to various planets and mines for valuables. He must mine as much as possible, but spend as little time as possible as time spent will reduce the amount of points you get.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    You can try it out here: (free while in Early Access)

  • Not sure I understand. Your layout looks to be vertical, so how can it do anything else when you tell it to go horizontal?

  • Hello everyone. I'm struggling with this. As you see on the first picture the player smashes a block. Certain blocks contain valuables. If they do, I want to create a sprite on the UI layer (top layer) and then tween the sprite to the edge of the screen. Sort of like when you get a banana in Donkey Kong. My problem is that I don't know how to take the difference between 2D and 3D into account. The sprite is technically created in the right spot according to the 3D block's position in the layout, but I want the sprite to be created on top of the 3D block so it looks like the gems come out of the block. Hope you get what I mean.

    Is there some trick I don't know of?

  • What a genius way of doing it. Such a big headache removed just by using 2 lines of code. Thank you :)

  • Hi everyone. I've successfully created a system that supports using multiple languages in the game.

    I also have a .json file called "settings" which stores sound and music volume, and the chosen language (all 3 are just integers). Everything is loaded into an array on startup which works fine. The problem is I want to save the settings array to overwrite the settings.json file. All I can find is the "Download as file" thing but this prompts the user to save the file which it shouldn't. It should be silent.

    As far as I can tell, if I want to save the information I have to completely rewrite the settings functionality using the local storage object, saving 1 key at a time.

    Am I doing things totally backwards?


  • Hey everyone. I'm working on a game that I've decided to try and make my first commercial game. Normally I do everything myself but if I want to sell it, I can't do it with programmer art. I'm not sure how to go about this, so I'm looking for experiences from other people.

    At the moment I see 2 options:

    1. 1) Finish the game, then hire artist
    2. 2) Get someone on board and include them in the progress while the game organically evolves

    Option 1 isn't that flexible. I'm still learning how to plan out a game entirely so I will constantly be adding/removing things depending on ideas and feedback.

    Option 2 makes sense but I'm not sure how I would get someone to keep doing stuff if there's a break in development here or there.

    So yeah, anyone else have experience with this?

  • This is how I did it. I read various posts on autotiling. This method checks the if there's a tile north, east, west and south of the current tile. Then sets the current one according to the bitwise value.

    1) use noise to fill a tilemap with solid tiles

    2) go though every tile

    --- if current tile isn't empty, run the following function on it:

  • Your "X is block" check will always have the potential to fail.

    Perhaps you could do it like this:

    On function weakPunch

    - trigger once

    ---Tyke X is block: blah

    ---Other action that happens at the same time: blah

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  • I replaced all the icon files and it works for me. Try replacing all of them, and not just the 64 and 256 versions.

  • At the moment it's not a game, just me trying out different tricks and features so here is the file:

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