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  • Maybe you could do it in one language, and then add subtitles for the other?

  • It looks right, not sure why it's not working. Here's a file I was working on but scrapped. It's got some stuff in it you don't need but it has a functioning system that does what's being discussed in this thread.


    I apologize. I wasn't able to open your files as I prefer only running stable releases of C2 so I didn't know what your files contained.

  • I would probably make 1 city sprite and give it variables according to what information you need them to hold. Then I'd create multiple instances of the same object with the event sheet. Every instance of the city should receive its own id that you can use to distinguish between the cities.

  • I don't have access to C2 where I am now, but I did this in Paint to illustrate my point. You should be able to simplify your code like this. It should do the same, and it's easier on the eyes.

  • It appears I don't know what I'm talking about. Thanks Ubivis, seems very useful

  • I'm sorry but I don't think the fact that Unity works is a valid argument. Unity has a devoted plugin for running web-apps where Construct2 applications run directly in the HTML5 files. I believe a Unity application runs independently from the browser it's run in - just like a Java app would for example.

    I think it would be a very good idea to try a real host (I'm sure there are free ones out there you can try out before spending any money) as I'm not sure Dropbox was designed to be used for webhosting.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • What I do for rogue like movement is quite simple. I make a sprite. I give this sprite 2 variables: "buffer_x" and "buffer_y".

    Then I check for press presses:

    if "buffer_x" and "buffer_y" are 0

    • repeat while pressing right / add 32 (the size of the tiles) to buffer_x
    • repeat while pressing down / add 32 (the size of the tiles) to buffer_y

    if buffer x > 0

    • set buffer_x = buffer_x - 2
    • set player's x position = player's x position + 2

    Repeat for all directions.

    Hope this made sense and was useful

  • One of the things I love about Construct2 is you're able to test for overlaps at an offset. That way you don't actually need a separate object for collision testing purposes.

  • If you somehow keep your level data in an array (or a tilemap for that matter) I imagine you could make a game with a tiny layout but keep reading from the array and only put elements on the screen that are immediately close to the player - not sure if that made any sense?

  • Oh that's embarassing, but very useful.. thanks :)

  • I started making games with Klik 'n' Play back in the middle of the 1990s. Ever since then I've missed the ability to, when drawing something, right click to pick the color and then be able to draw with that color immediately. I would love it if it was possible to set Construct's image editor to behave this way.

  • cvp - Thanks. I'll be sure to read it :)

    ramones - Thanks to you to. Really nice you could just whip that up like that. I'll take a look at the code and see what's what.

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