Lazernaut's Recent Forum Activity

  • Supply and demand - the market is completely saturated. If you want people's attention you have to do aggressive marketing I think. It's not enough to simply have a quality product. It's like writing the best novel in the world and never leaving the house with it. Means nobody's going to read it.

  • Are you seeing any pictures in my last post? They seem to be gone...

    How about creating a global variable called scoreBuffer? Then you add the points to that buffer from the events you want, tell Construct to wait some miliseconds, and then use the scoreBuffer to display the score?

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  • Oh I think I understand. I have just implemented that feature in my game using a Spritefont object. I expect you can do this with any object that displays text.

    So if I understand you correctly you want this:

    I've done it like this:

    1) First I create the text object.

    Then I change its text right after to what I want.

    2) Makes the score text float slowly upwards. It sets the text object's Y coordinate to whatever the coordinate already is, and then subtracts by 0.25. You can change this value to change the speed.

    Hope this was more useful for you. Otherwise, as you can tell, I find it a little hard to figure out completely what you mean. I'll try and help if I can.

  • As far as I can tell what you want can't happen currently. In terms of code, Construct (or any engine) checks things 1 at a time. This means that in every tick the game will first check if bullet A has hit it, and then bullet B. Since you destroy the object immediately on either event, both variables cannot become true because the object is destroyed before this becomes possible.

    My solution would be to have a small timer.

    Give the enemies an instance variable called "deathTimer". Make its default value 50 (or something).

    if Drones - HitA = false

    OR if Drones - HitB = false

    Subtract 1 from deathTimer

    if deathTimer = 0, destroy Drones

    This will give you "deathTimer" amount of ticks for the enemy to be hit before being destroyed. You can experiment with the number of time to give so it suits you.

    I hope I understood your problem correctly and that this was useful.

  • With games you can usually right click on them and choose to see the associated serial key. Maybe that'd work for C2 as well?

  • Hi guys.

    Was wondering how other people went about it when they need to produce something creative for someone else's game. I've agreed to make music for someone. Currently I make small bits of 30-60 seconds, he says what he likes and dislikes and I make something new. I've realized this could end up taking forever. The problem is that he, like many customers, doesn't know exactly what he wants. Friends have suggested I write up a questionaire to send to people.

    How do you guys go about it?

  • Acquire said music theory smarts. You can't make music without it.

    There are free courses in music theory on - I highly recommend it. It's very good.

  • Since you can set up the same logic in C2 as in most programming languages I think the only limit to complexity is in you and how well you can keep track of everything.

  • In case anybody else needs it I found a solution:

    This way the File Chooser is invisible, but still reacts to being clicked on. Some objects can be put on top of the File Chooser allowing you to fake buttons by using a Sprite or whatever.

  • Hi there. When I put a File Chooser object in my layout it displays a simple button with the text "Choose File" when I run my application. Is there a way of hiding the button and still make users able to click it, or at least a way to customize it? The default look of the button is honestly kinda useless for most purposes I think.

  • You'll need some clever math to do it I think. The library that does the physics calculations in Construct 2 is called Box2D. What you want is in a 3rd dimension I think, and as such is a lot harder to do.

  • I've searched all over for this and couldn't find the answer though I'm sure it's been answered before. I want to limit the palette in my game so I only have the same colors as a NES would have, like this.


    I'd like it to be like this:

    Is this possible?

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Member since 19 Feb, 2013

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