Yea I was following the original (outdated) Scirra Facebook tutorial which left me very uncertain. I didn't realize someone had made an updated tutorial. That reminds me.. I should probably make one for Tizen, because some gotcha's are in there too, I'm just waiting for the C2 app I submitted to be 100% approved to be sure everything I did was right
— yea I understand your reasoning though. Unity isn't providing an index.html and they even have a special unity condition in the setup so you know facebook has made a very deliberate effort to insure it's psosible
Ubivis no i hadn't and that was just the thing I needed! basically i didn't know I had to do a link like this:
Canvas URL ... x.html?%2F
Secure Canvas URL ... x.html?%2F
the ? at the end... also oddly enough it automatically added the "%2F" at the end of both when I saved them
Also I didn't know about putting the App ID in the game properties in C2, which makes sense to validate the app.
behold! lol <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> thanks everyone for your input on this. Its always this intense race to get things working right the first time then life gets much easier to roll out future games..