How do I use 3D coordinates to create a sprite on a 2D layer?

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Fully commented source code/event sheet & sprites to create a space shooter game
  • Hello everyone. I'm struggling with this. As you see on the first picture the player smashes a block. Certain blocks contain valuables. If they do, I want to create a sprite on the UI layer (top layer) and then tween the sprite to the edge of the screen. Sort of like when you get a banana in Donkey Kong. My problem is that I don't know how to take the difference between 2D and 3D into account. The sprite is technically created in the right spot according to the 3D block's position in the layout, but I want the sprite to be created on top of the 3D block so it looks like the gems come out of the block. Hope you get what I mean.

    Is there some trick I don't know of?

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  • You need to use CanvasToLayer system expressions and then 3DCamera.LayerToCanvas expressions as the 2nd and 3rd parameters.

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