i bought fusion developer edition in humble bundle with all the exporters incl. the new uwp exporter for 15$ plus some games and their code. its a nice engine and "feels" more safe with the native exporters but the editor seams prehistoric gives me the feeling of windows 95 era...a bloody labyrinth. i learned many things to be honest and i like it but the editor gives me headaches every time.for mmf users is the simplest thing for a c2 user is a maze... to be honest with a discount i'll propably go for fusion 3. fusion 2.5 except fnaf gave games like odallus and oniken and many other successful games also in steam. its the father of all (construct classic and c2, gamesalad, stencyl blah blah blah) it gave the idea of make games without coding.
i also dont understand some comments like "c3 should wait until fusion 3 comes out". C2 is different has a specific plan to html5 which fusion has not. users of fusion will continue to use fusion at least the majority of them and construct 2 users will continue to use construct products either or why not buy both of them due steam sales. i dont know i've got a feeling that c3 will appear suddenly one day and i think it will be in '17. Game maker if you know coding gml is miles ahead of both of them right now with the 2nd version. i read very good comments for better frame rates and the editors are great (animation/sprite editor is ftgw@#$ing awesome), animated tiles if im correct and too much stuff. its in another level. but you have to know how to code in gml. the drag n drop system NEEDS to know gml and cannot compare to c2 at all. c2 in this is superior. im waiting what can i do more?but i think its very close.