spy84's Recent Forum Activity

  • the plugin is fully functional now?i mean is 100% ready for a game?

  • 1)from what you read about in the topics what do you believe so far?

    2)what kind of game want you to create?

    3)Are any other alternatives about the game engine you want to develop with?

  • in other words you want to set the camera from the driver's point of view

    i saw this video called "how rayman legends made" and at 8th minute this guy make use of a plugin called ferr2d (plugin in unity) so if i want something new for c3 besides working normal maps and better lighting system is this that ferr2d does. to achieve different variations of sprites (mostly ground/sprites) is really cool with just a press of mouse button

  • X3M i agree fusion 2.5 is a mess. i hope they fix that in fusion 3. i prefer c2 for now. look firefly has nothing yet to show either i tweet to them to show something greater and not only cubes and packman style games and they answered that they are not modellers...its a bad promotion but is a promotion. but beside that my problem is that you start this thread 2.5 months ago and the download option is still on "pending". you've done a great tool and we are waiting for aproval for some time now...

  • matriax i know that firefly is made by a founder but really who cares? they promote firefly cause people wants to put in their games 3d. so they want a small piece from other engines pie (which support 3d). this will increase buyers and this increase income too. so imo first reason behind promotion is this -money-.if x3m release firefly in clickteam store believe me they promote it exactly like they do now. they do better with social media. don't they?

    scirra has q3d and now babylon3d and yes its not official plugin but a 3rd one, but it makes the same things (even if it has no particle editor yet but babylon support them as well "http://doc.babylonjs.com/tutorials/Particles"). so is really awkward why not promote it as well? it will bring more people in and obviously more money also. so the goal is the same even if the situations are different, official and 3rd party.

    honestly firefly's 80 usd to me is the most overpriced thing i ever see and also their promotion with the 95-98 graphics is terrible.but they promote it.

  • X3M you ve done a very good job and i think a little promote and help from scirra will be fair enough. i dont know if he's not working during weekends but the download section in the post is inactive from the beginning "waiting from approval". When at the same time clickteam promotes like a maniac their plugin called "firefly" which does pretty much the same job as babylon3d. The only difference is that babylon is 4x cheaper. hope for more tutorials and description for every behaviour-plugin in a pdf file. best of luck and creativity

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  • and after ignore button gives me this

    • --------------------------

    Unable to load project


    Could not open project '\\?\C:\Users\waves\AppData\Local\Temp\cap3NIYX9\Platformer.caproj':

    Cannot find action with the ID 4 in the behavior 'Skeleton' (babylonSkeleton). This is usually caused by a third-party behavior developer removing the action from the behavior in an update (instead they should set the deprecated flag on it which does not break existing projects), or reinstalling an older version of the behavior that does not have an action used in this project.




  • try to run the examples but it gave me this ive got 0.5 version and 241 beta.

    • --------------------------

    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    Action ID does not appear to exist in related behavior

    Condition: behavior_type->GetBehavior()->HasActionID(act_id)

    File: Projects\EventAction.cpp

    Line: 48

    Function: __cdecl EventAction::EventAction(class EventBlock &,class ObjectClass *,class BehaviorType *,int,class std::vector<class std::unique_ptr<class EventParameter,struct std::default_delete<class EventParameter> >,class std::allocator<class std::unique_ptr<class EventParameter,struct std::default_delete<class EventParameter> > > > &&,unsigned __int64)

    Build: release 241 (64-bit) checked

    Component: Construct 2 IDE

    (Last Win32 error: 0)

    You are using a 'checked' release of Construct 2, intended for testing, which causes certain errors to be reported this way. Hit Ctrl+C to copy this messagebox - it's useful information for the developers, so please include it with any bug reports! Click 'Abort' to quit (unsaved data will be lost!),'Retry' to turn off messages for this session and continue, or 'Ignore' to continue normally.

  • brian Griffin its not misleading at all. im an hobbyist artist too and i dont know even how to succesfully do the "hello world" thing in any language. but then i found construct and can do things that it will take ages for me to learn how to do. you can make very good games if you got a great story and visuals sounds etc. the thing is that you as a new user i assume dont know that here in C2 the "coding not required" thing is 100% true. go play with unity playmaker and similar plugins, go for game maker studio 2 fancy new drag and drop system, or unreal blueprints where all of them announce "without writing a sinlge line of code" but its not true. there the coding "is required' but in a more friendly way you don't write code you connect ready blocks of code. not even close to the simplicity of C2. AAA games is a difficult thing to do alone with or without code. and to sum up you can be a millionaire with a fnaf game or flappy bird too you know. And these games can be made with C2. its not only the engine its the idea its the timing and of course hard work and luck.

  • i think now its a good time to give us some tutorials in screenshots or better in youtube, for step by step instructions (at least the basics ). it will promote the project better. And some tweets of the tutorials will give more publicity to your plugin and of course more incomes

    glerikud yes i know it will be a standalone editor thanks for the info . i just throw an idea from another forum cause i find it very interesting.

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