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    the expectations of the new game engines era are really very high, check this out "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usFWrvlOIT8"

    tunepunk "If your game is not performing well, it's probably not because C2, it's probably because you don't know what the hell you're doing, and have no clue what the mobile limitations are."

    maybe you are right but ive got 2 things to say.

    1st i remember when the same capx with cocoon gave me lets say 25-30 fps when xdk 5-8 fps (sometimes a gray or blue screen) and then after sometime xdk gave better performance than cocoon and so on and on and on. so yes the same game with the same engine gives different results. despite the bugs of both wrappers who of course scirra has nothing to do with (but it lead us there - in 3rd parties.) it doesnt seem to me that something wrong a dev does but the wrappers dont do the job right. or at least in the past now i dont know im not interested anymore.

    2nd are you sure that the same assets with the same logic in different engines like c2 fusion and stencyl have the same performance in mobile? if its the same then yes the dev has no clue if not? so dont be whats the correct word in english definite? about that if a game not performing well then the dev dont know what he is doing. i wrote about a game called slain wich starts with construct 2 and ends with unity (not for mobile for desktop) and also another game wich i dont remember now how it called for performance issues.

    Ashley not need to make a blog post but when you post something like this "Construct 2 has major, transformative features that are missing in other products. Imagine working without sub-events."

    i am sorry but other engines can make and have under their belts great or at the moment greater and more complicated games and yes i can imagine to not have subevents and its terrible but i can imagine native and is wonderful

  • trueicecold there are more games for sure but scirra's self promoting in this area is like when you make a party at home and pop corns fall under the sofa and after sooome time you realise their presence. with other words is some kind of forgotten..ignatius, super ubie land , where is my helmet are some games. They can make a slideshow with games under development right now i saw many outstanding games under development with c2 so why not? other engines do that like ghost song ( under development) or hyper light drifter (when it was under development) why not in here? "Graveyard Goldmine", "Out Of", "Sombrero" are great pieces of artstyle at least..

    tgeorgemihai thats too sad ( about html5 i mean). i asked ashley but to tell you the truth i dont expect really an answer. people wants stability and less headaches when their games come out to the public so they want native. as i see and read here over the years users of c2 wants native or almost native exporters to mobile. we stuck to cjs or cocoon.io and xdk, cordova and as we waiting for things to go smoother and more stable over the years this expectation fades out. I dont see so many interest or the same whining anymore for mobile. Either people left either the idea of not expecting something dramatically better grows inside our minds for good all those years and we let it go. Now over a year i see the results of this "no mobile anymore" idea turn our interest to desktop cause feels safer than mobile. But even here i see some projects like "slain" for example to change from c2 to another engine for i supposed more security? so im wondering is anybody here who really his priority is to make html5 games or stuck with scirra because of the easiness to make things happen, surrounded by the feeling or hope to wait and see in the future maybe things get better?

    anyway the reason to write my thoughts was the post of ashley cause the whole post under the name "should i buy clickteam fusion' is ..ok how to say it a little bit disrespectful? but i can understand and feel the topic starter's thoughts. maybe a side project is a good idea like the revive of construct classic which i thing was native? everybody will be happy to have the choice but at the end who am i to give business directions?

    yes Ashley but other products offer native exports. any thoughts about leave html5 and go to native?maybe in another (side) project not construct. did you ever think about it?

  • Jayjay do you have any programming experience before develop your game to unity?

    i like your game a lot. so to understand as things are at this moment you guys based in your experiences with your games a mac verion or a linux is not recommended for now?

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  • i think that if you have good assets and then a good flow in your game everything is possible. many people try to make a sidescroller shump but are these good enough to compare (at least with the assets and visual effects) with OUT OF by NEXTGAMELEVEL

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    . this games looks f***** amazing. A LOT OF WORK. so it doesnt matter if there are or are not big games in steam or anywhere else. its about our games if they are good enough to succeed.if they are then i think there is also a lot of work (maybe more than design a game) and thats it to promote it as much we can. luck is a factor too, but anyway what to do with luck more when a game sucks big time.

    i sometimes catch my self to complain about features but at the end of the day i think how you call it an alibi for the difficulty or the lazyness to complete a game...

  • mef1sto may the force be with you cause native will be not...

  • when you said shaking my mind goes to origin points check if all are in the same width and height. when you said turns back to normal what normal? the first frame?the first animation?give a capx to find it out

    editing my previous post but in a new one i still believe that if c3 change the direction from html5 focusing to native giving the oportunity for native exporters pc mac linux etc etc many users of fusion will jump to c3 without a doubt because of the simplicity of visual coding.

    if Ashley tells something about native exporters and dynamic lighting (in parallax effect) and normal mapping even if today is Aprils fools day i will be happy for seconds...

    Zebbi i dont think clickteam is insecure either. the word construct is everywhere in their forums most of the unbeatable event system and this is the only reason why im staying here..

    And why to be insecure (speaking of clickteam) with so many games under fusion's belt? only fnaf is a good start to make people try fusion.not to mention the escapists (almost 10k reviews on steam, imagine the sales...) venture kid and others..we dont need to be ignorant... both are good programs but if fusion has the same event system or "identical", almost half of the users of c2 will jump to another boat..

    dont get me wrong i bought c2 i dont use the free version so if a program makes my hobby or my job easier i choose it. and when i dont see any light in the tunnel of native exporters in construct 3, if fusion 3 or spark engine do it better with the same event system (spark engine is mmmmmm almost clear and user friendly like c2's) ill buy them and compare them.

    so to close my post i think is healthy to talk for different programs and tell our opinions for what is imho is good or bad for us. its not treachery its democracy.

    if spark has many bugs its almost sure.its the beginning. which engine has not even after years of development..if you assume that is how to call it my english is not very good "a fraud" and give too many promises, only time will tell..

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