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  • you are 101% right my friend

    But im sure that the devs can do much more.i cross my fingers to do it.Who knows maybe in the future updates weve got something revolutionary for c2.I'm trying to be optimistic because in the past year c2 is extremely updated so the sky is the limit.ive got faith.

  • the problem is that many of us before buy it we saw export to ios*, android* (*via cocoon js) we dont know what really means and then when the fps is somewhere between 15-22 with 2 layers and 3 sprites and 5 lines of code you see again the "export to ios*,android* (via cocoon js)and the smile in my face is not because im realy happy..

    LEAVE WiiU and give Android and Ios exporters a better chance.in my village we offten say its not the quantity that matters but the quality.Multiplatform exporters?No problem at ALL. Gimme more BUT make it work.I have no idea how to program and i dont know before 10 months what html5 2 native wrapper is in a first place but at the end why should i care?its not my problem if is a straightforward breeze or something else.i saw the description of the program I liked it,i paid for it so give me something stable.i dont care about ludei I am a customer of scirra.

    at the end ive got no program skills but C2 main customer base is no-program skills-people.

  • Xionor "You are free to use your own Android/iOS wrapper and port your HTML5 games yourself! However I am sure than no more than 1 or 2 people in the whole community have any knowledge on how to do this."

    you think that if the 90% of the comunity have the ability to make a custom wrapper would buy C2?i dont think so mate.I personally bought (and i think the majority of us)C2 because I dont know programming at all.if i knew how to program i will use unity(free android,ios exporters not pro editions btw) or the new havok new engine(its free for mobile development)

    And the other question i have to you is why you start this thread?everyone has his worries about his game and want to be as much as playable in mobile phones.Its not bad at all.im sure we make mistakes and get low fps (we have to find other ways to make our games more efficient,and read tutorials from ashley of course or from the forum) and sometimes misjudging things (in this case CJS) but its an idiom that says where is smoke there's fire.

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    i love c2 its very easy to make a game,and the guys every week update the product (for FREE!!!) but for android (cause idont have apple's products to see the performance) c2 I think is far behind.maybe spending more time and focus at this issue will make us all very happy.and if as you said 1 or 2 people from the forum have the knowledge to make a wrapper i believe you are agree that the guys from scirra can make it happen.sorry for my tragic english.

    And im not whining...

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  • ?ut what about the loosing distance i cant find a way to make the bullet spawned from the enemy.when time pasts it seems more and more that the bullet takes a distance from the ship.maybe its because of everytick set scrollx+15*dt.has anyone something to help me please?

  • Long live the joskin(g)!!!thanks a lot for your help.so its not a bullet beh problem its just me a noob...

  • Hi guys,

    ive got 2 problems. i attached the capx file.

    my problem is that when the bullet reach the terrain layers is hiding behind them and i dont want this at all.i want to see it always on top of the layout.

    And the other problem is that every time the enemy ship moves to the left it seems that the spawning of the bullet lose distance.Any advice?

    thanks for your time and sorry for my english.its not my language

    capx file

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