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  • Hello guys,

    Is it possible to iterate the for loop with set time interval, e.g. one iteration per second.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hello Scirra,

    discovered the following bug:

    1)Apply WebGL effect on the sprite

    3)Put many instances of this sprite on the canvas

    2)Than disable WebGL effect in the event editor for all the sprites

    3)Pick one sprite and enable the effect for this particular sprite

    --> Bug: WebGL effect is enabled for all instances.

    Something similar happens inside a family, with different sprite objects - WebGL effect is enabled for all instances of the same sprite type. Here's demo capx:



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  • That's an important piece of information.

  • I have the same problem and now my whole project is broken, because the main functionality is based on this "feature".

    It seems to be, that you can't pick objects, that were just created(spawned). Picking objects out of the family in this way is also broken in versions 100 & 101.

    Right now in order to fix that I have to repeat the same code for like 30 different objects.

  • Hello guys,

    it's kind of difficult to explain, but right now I have the following issue. Example - all old instances should be moved 50px on the Y-Axis, after that new instances should be created on top of them.

    -> For each instance saved in the 2D-Array

       > move instances +50 px on Y axis

    -> Add new row into the 2D-Array (Push front 0 Y axis)

    -> Create new instances in this new row

    The issue is, that all this events/actions are happening at the same time, so that new instances are alos being moved 50px.

    Is it possible to execute events only if the previous is finished?

  • Hello there,

    i think it would be extremely helpful to have a sort of "layout object" or "container", inside of which you can group multiple different object types (like sprites, text, buttons etc). Basically it is the same feature as movie clip in flash + family from construct.

    May be there are any work-arounds how to do that?

  • I think, I have a tendency to over-complicate "the code", but in this case it just works fine and saves extra steps of creating an array, pushing values into it (it's a string from XML file).

  • I found another work around.

    You can combine following string operations:

    Set value: left("String",4) & replace(mid("String",5,4)) & right("String",5)

    Basically "right" and "left" copies characters from the end an beginning of the string and replace "mid" inserts new characters.

  • Hello guys,

    There's an action "replace" for the text. Currently it replaces all occurrences of a given token in a string. Is it possible to limit it to a token index or a range of indexes (e.g. replace "B" with "X" at 6-12).

    The only workaround I can think of is converting this string to an array, than replacing characters in the array and converting it back to text.

  • It should be on key "pressed", not "down". Because it shoots bullet per tick, while the key is down.

  • Yes, group is a solution. Basically groups are like very simple functions.

  • One more noob question:


    -> a function was called on mouse click

    -> there's a timer sub-event inside a function which should start counting on function call

    The problem is, the timer counts only one tick. I think it has something to do with construct event structure (mouse click is considered as main event, which sort of "overrides" sub events). Is there any possibility to let the timer count inside this function by calling it with mouse click?

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Member since 18 May, 2012

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