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    I asked if it's possible to solve the issue with a third party plugin? May be anyone can comment on this?

  • vtrix

    seems to be a good work around, but I think it will not always work if you would have like 50-100 objects

  • Will it possible to use this plugin for quad board (classic match 3)?

  • You have to write a condition for each enemy type and create exactly the object type (family member) of the enemy if the condition is met. But than you can access them through family object.

    if varEnemy="Goblin"

       -> create object type "Goblin"

    if varEnemy="Troll"

    -> create object type "Troll"

    It's a pity you can't do it with a variable of the family object. There are also some workarounds with different animations for different enemy types:


  • I'm experiencing some performance improvements too. It feels smoother now.

  • Is it possible to solve the issue by developing a plug-in/behavior which will enable creating object types by name? E.g. it could be a behavior with the property "Name", which could be accessible through object creation method.

    Or it could be a plug-in "Object", which can hold any object type (Sprite,Text, Button etc) and has it's own object creation method with "object name".

    I have a limited JS Knowledge and don't know anything about Plugin API, but if it's possible I will work into it.

  • Cool! I think, position, angle, position & angle will be enough.

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  • Is it possible to implement "moving instances" together with container without pinning them to it? something like boolean "move instances = true"

  • Thank you R0J0hound,animation solution is a good work around, but I think it could have some limitations for more complex objects (e.g. objects with different dimensions, multiple animations) and if you have a lot of objects in the game it will be hard to manage them.

    Another problem is perfoming actions on each newly created object. In this particular example - how to make each object reach each destination (the problem is - every time you click on create new object, movement of the prevous one is interrupted)

  • Hmm, I can't imagine how to do it another way. May be there's an in depth tutorial on this topic or documentation? Here's the .capx, where I've tried to illustrate the problem:


  • So, is there any hope for this sort of functionality?

  • For example I want to create one certain member (object type) of the family "Cards" - "card_green". I can't do it like this:

    create "Cards" and than point to a certain member "card_green", because I can't pass object type directly from a variable, so have to create hard coded conditions for each possible family member: if var Obj=1 create "Green", if var Obj=2 create "Red" etc. It's also not possible to make reusable logic because of that.

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