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  • Hi, I know there's no work around for this problem, but I would like to address this issue again and hear what do you think about it.

    I'm developing a game, which distantly resembles mahjong in the game mechanics. During the game a lot of game tokens (many different game pieces, power ups, special cards, bonuses etc.) are generated on run time, to some extend randomly. A lot of actions are performed on single tokens. I have like a main family "Cards", which has many children (game pieces) with different characteristics. As the game grows, writing game logic for creating this family instances on run time and performing actions on them is pure nightmare: I have to duplicate the same "code" for like 50 different family members again and again. After this breaking change in version 101 it got even worse. In order to make simple logic (which would be like 2-3 lines of code in AS3) I have to struggle with work arounds for hours.

    One feature would solve all this problems easily - it is accesing object types by name directly (like create "SpriteXYZ") and not through editor dialogue only. I read, that right now it's not possible because the code could not be obfuscated properly (you would see the objects name in the code). I can't believe, that there'S no solution for that.

  • I will try to recreate the problem with .capx

  • Nope, I don't use it at all in this project.

  • Yes, I know about this change. It's weird, that the project works in 103, but not in 103.2 anymore.

  • Hi, I've just updated to the version 103.2 and half of my project stopped working again. The problem seems to have something to do with this major "picking" change in version 101, which also broke my project. But something has definitively changed in the version 103.2, because if exported with 103 - everything just works fine. So generally, it's not possible to pick family instances by UID's. I didn't post in the BUGS section, because right now I don't have time to dig deeper into the problem and I'm going to switch back to version 103.

    I'm really frustrated. Does anyone knows what has changed in the version 103.2?

  • I have a question about local variables:

    Can anyone give some practical examples, how to use local vars effectively?

    Why is it not possible to assign a default value to some parameter like Sprite.X?

    For most of the cases I have to use global variables, because local vars change they value every tick to the default. May be I don't get something.

  • Hello,

    there are plenty of really helpful topics on scirra forum, so I thought it would be nice to be able to bookmark them and access them later from the user profile.

    of course you can use browser bookmarks for that, but this way topics would be accessible from everywhere.

  • Here's the similar thread with some work arounds:


    but, as far as I understanf it's not possible and I'm missing this functionality badly.

  • Creating objects of the certain type on run time is really painful right now: you have to make a particular case for each object type. Please do something with it.

    One possible solution could be to be able to pass "object type" to a variable and than use variable to create objects.

  • OK, thank you, guys - "object count" solution is clever.

    I considered using a for loop, because I wanted to avoid creating global variables for this kind of tasks. It's a pitty, that you can't use local variables as an iterator, because they are reseted every tick.

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  • Or something like this:

    repeat 10 times

    • each 0.5 Seconds
    • > create Object

    So each 0.5 seconds one out of 10 objects is created.

  • Cool

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Member since 18 May, 2012

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