xoros's Recent Forum Activity

  • Interesting, but how you can use "for each ordered" in conjunction with Array XY?

  • I know, but with "for each loop" it is much faster to do this kind of operations.

  • Hello there,

    Is there any possibility to change the parsing order of the array "for each XY" loop from vertical to horizontal.


    right now it goes like this: y0x0 y1x0 y2x0 y3x0 y0x1 y1x1 y2x1 y3x1 etc.

    but it would be very handy to have it like this: y0x0 y0x1 y0x2 y0x3 y1x1 y1x2 y1x3 etc.

  • Just an amazing presentation! I want that text editor. Yes, arrays - I tend to always visualize them.

  • This plugin is very useful indeed. But is there any more compact way to do a function call like this:

    Example: "fuFunction" returns 2 parameters

    • Set parameter [0] to someVar
    • Call "fuFunction"
    • Function.Ret(1) (returns the second parameter)

    May be writing everything in one line, like this:

    • Call "fuFunction",someVar,(1)
  • Thanks for your help, I tried running executable with this commands, but no with effect. It seems to load something (AJAX "on completed" fires an action), but XML object doesn't load the file. I think I will just paste XML content into the textbox and load it directly into xml object without AJAX call.

  • Nope, it doesn't work like this either.

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  • Hello there,

    Is there any workaround to request an XML-file from local drive?


    paste file path into TextBox: C:\XML_Files\some.xml

    • on click OK button

    -> AJAX request url (TextBox.text)

    • AJAX on completed

    -> Load XML document from string AJAX.LastData

    I tried the above example, it doesn't work - so may be there's some workaround for that. Request from file folder and pasting XML as string will not do in this case.

  • That's exactly what I was looking for, thanks man!

  • May be it's because the input for target and origin is a string and variable values are not properly interpreted.

    Or it accepts only numbers.

  • Definitively a cool behavior, but there's seem to be a bug: if you set target coordinates as variables like Target "varX,varY" or "MouseX,MouseY" - it doesn't work.

  • yes, it's Array.CurX

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Member since 18 May, 2012

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