Noga's Recent Forum Activity

  • I played it for about 10 minutes (which is probably most I've ever spent with a game made in Construct ) a would be playing more, but I fell out of the screen. I collected the first key and was looking for where to use it, than I found the "secret" area where I picked up the bonus, I jumped to the left and fell out.

    Controlling the player fells little odd, I can't really describe it, it's bit stiff I think, but overall, I liked it, good game.

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  • Cool you're working on it, but after few seconds I just noticed there's bug using ladder. If I jump on it and I'm holding up, the dude goes down, than up and.. it acts wierdly.

  • Yeah, I forgot to include conditions and two more actions, it's fixed now.

  • I edited you cap, it's working now.



  • That's awesome, thank you.

  • Does Audiere work as a Global Object?

    In this example, I made 2 layouts and global works fine.

    Is it possible to change sound volume on the fly? i can only set volume for specific sounds before i play it.

    Haven't tried sounds, only music where it works, but should be the same.

  • Looks like, scidave, you've got your buck

  • Have you finished anything playable in MMF2 or Construct? I'd like to try it, because your graphics are great.

  • No worries, that's why there is the forum.

  • [quote:11j20t2w]I honestly don't give a crap what my family says..

    Part of your problem could be because you're probably going through puberty - parents are always wrong . After puberty, hormon levels should stabilize and you could be calmer, plus more mature and you'll deal with some situations differently.

  • You might've missed my post in r38.2 thread and in this version it's still missing (or it's not important?).

    Could you add to 'Preview browser' setting option "browse", or something like that. I use Chrome portable and C2 can't find it. Would be good to have an option to browse and set the path to it.<

    • 64-bit Windows - installer works
  • After death, I clicked try again and all stats were frozen at 100, also text erasing didn't work and when new text appered , it was placed over old texts, making it unreadable. I quit after this bug, but it looked ok and will try it again when you finish the game.

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Member since 5 Jul, 2009

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