no i never fisnished a game in mmf2 because its too many bugs, or sometimes its impossible to do a game like a rpg, or adventure game, or rts.
Adventure games are impossible to create in mmf2, because its no pathfinding for characters, so its hard to create.
Plateforms games are possible but mmf2 is not pixel perfect SO its a lot of bugs to check by yourself and try to find a solution, but almost of time your character stay overlapping another obstacle and bye bye.
i can exaplain a lot...but when a sofwtare is not ready for give to the users the real liberty for making games...
For scirra im new, so i prefer to wait the real version 2, with a lot of corrections, and updates, i have to wait but my graphics for 3 future games are almost ready, so the only thing i can do is...wait, and wait more....