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  • I've tried it and it works for me. Can you upload the cap?

  • Why do you constantly embarrass yourself? As I remember, you asked admins to get erased.

  • You were right about not completing it soon It's always hard to return to something. After 1 year pause, you've come back, amazing.

  • 1 - I think you could use it only when making a big game (lots of graphics) - means, I've never needed to use it.

    2 - Loading/unloading happens automatically by your graphic card. When you switch layouts, graphics from previous layout is still in the vram and stays there in case it's needed again. New graphics from new layout pushes old one out if there is not enough space anymore (depends on the size of vram). To answer your question, unloading happens automatically, but not by ending a layout. If you really wanted to empty the memory, you'd have to use the action you mentioned.

  • I don't think so. You'd have to use sprites or fake it. What effect you wanna achieve?

  • I'll wait for the next challenge. I couldn't thought up anything playable which I could finish in last 2 weeks. For me, 1 month is perfect, not too short or too long.

  • Plugin - Sounds and music

    Behavior - Physics

  • Oh, I thought OR got fixed in Classic version, I'll have to read it again.

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  • Here is a little example using Audiere plugin.

    You'll need the plugin, which can be found here

    and the example

    Download! - 6.77 MB

    music - Bjorn Lynne

    sounds - I used sounds from someone's demo from this forum. I can't find the post. The demo is space shooter, name of the exe is demo331.exe. If you recognise your sounds let me know and I'll put you here. Only if you've made the sounds of course, because they look like downloaded from the net

  • I tried create two separate events and then combine them with OR, if there is problem, but it works. Maybe you should send your cap to the developers. Have you started your project in CC1.2 or in some older version where OR was still buggy?

  • Can you make screenshot of it? You say between two events, do you really have it like in here, the "or" is between two conditions inside one event?

  • - I guess there'll be size limit, would be good, if there was an option to buy more space.

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Member since 5 Jul, 2009

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