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  • PSI Just try one more thing for me, since it's working in Spriter. Just make sure both the scml and scon files are saved with whatever latest version of the file, and make sure they're both reimported into C2. And send me the files anyway, as you're at the top of the list when I get back to the plugin.

    I know it's taking a while, but we're getting there.

  • PSI the Spriter file doesn't have the character on it when you load it in Spriter? Or the C2 project doesn't have the sprites in it? or both?

  • Yes Jayderyu, there were some bugs introduced to pivot points with character maps in B9 or B10. A user recently reported them, and they are fixed for the upcoming version. Sorry for the inconvenience. B11 should be out by next weekend.

  • Thank you very much E Bear. Glad you're enjoying it!

    It will only get better from here.

  • E Bear - The free-form deformation will come post 1.0. I don't want to give an ETA since we're going to continue to polish 1.0 until it's perfect. Then we will take our time to make free form deformation absolutely perfect, though of course there will be beta versions along the way for Pro users.

    What I can say is that the current UI and flexibility for deformation is no indication of the quality of the final version, and the plan is to make it completely simple and fun to use, while being as powerful as possible.

  • hollowthreat - I will look into this further after B10 (coming soon) since as you suggested, the problem may just fix itself. It's difficult to troubleshoot, as Windows 7 64 bit is one of our most common platforms and this is the first error of this kind reported. I use Win7 64 bit to develop and test Spriter. In the meantime, the only other thing to try if you haven't already is to redownload, uninstall, and reinstall.

  • i won't consider going to safe mode, too much hassle if its required to boot to everytime. i'll just wait & try future builds :/

    I didn't mean to boot into safe mode every time, just a one off troubleshooting step to see if it might be a driver or service interfering.

  • trying the latest version of spriter free on latest win7 64bit, spriter crashes at start. version b6 was working fine.

    Unfortunately, this is a generic Windows error that may or may not be caused by Spriter itself, even though it occurs within Spriter. Because of this, we'll have to try a few things to narrow down the problem. If you can, please try each of the following, and let me know if any of them fixes the problem or changes the error:

    1.Updating all drivers

    2.Running Spriter as administrator

    3.Copying the install directory elsewhere on your hard drive and attempt to run as administrator

    4.Running Windows in Safe Mode

    lucid I am considering buying spriter. If I get it at the early adopter price will I also get future updates?


  • russpuppy, would you mind sending me the capx to ?

  • PSI, yes, hold the control key and mousewheel in the timeline section

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  • Thanks

    1. I will still look into this. I'm assuming the opacity thing is from the recent change that corrected the one tick lag. Since the animation updates the sprites at the end of the tick it's being overwritten. I think I have a solution that will work nicely to allow you to make whatever changes and have the plugin automatically recognize a change was made and not overwrite it.

    2. Yes. I will still look at this, but as I said a few positive sidetracks (such as the Scirra store launch) in a row have me overdue for a plugin update.

    3. I did a quick test to see, and I'll have to look into this a bit. I haven't tried anything like this yet, but I think it should be possible to localize picking to the current sprites with a condition or action. I want to make it as streamlined as possible. I'll also bring up the scenario to Ashley, just in case he's already planning something to make families and groups pick together the way you're saying.

    Thanks again for your patience everyone.

  • , Sorry Mike, it doesn't. But it seems to be their Javasript VM limitation - can't load external scripts (I may be wrong but it seemed like that in the debugger).

    suntemple , I'm not sure if you already checked this, but it ended up being the issue with the Spriter plugin not working in cocoonjs.

    The details are discussed in the Runtime overview documentation under the heading Google Closure Compiler compatibility, but I'll paste the relevant text here:

    If you refer to external libraries, you must always use bracket syntax (i.e. Object["property"]). If you use dot syntax, Closure Compiler will rename the property and it will access the wrong property of the external library after export.

    The closure compiler is used whenever minify script is used which is always the case with cocoonjs.

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