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  • MikeMS, you can't do that within Spriter, but if you're using it with the scml plugin in C2, you can add any effects you want to any of the sprites that make up your Spriter animation within C2

  • Works with vector art style? (First time with this type of tool )

    Hi Kappyh, as jayderyu said you can't directly draw anything in vector graphics, but as Spriter just uses images and assembles them in real time you could use your favorite vector drawing tool to make the character parts, export them to images, and then use those images to reassemble and animate the character in Spriter. Also, we plan to support deformation of images in the future which will allow vector like functionality on images.

    everyone else. Thanks for your patience again everyone. Sorry for the lack of updates, but things are going on behind the scenes on several fronts. No ETA just yet, but there is a new version of Spriter and a new version of the scml plugin coming on the way. The latter will address reported bugs and new pro features in Spriter.

  • Game Effects Animated art Pack — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <p>This art pack is loaded with impact effects, explosions, fireballs, puffs of smoke, magic effects, lightning ect. We may add content to the art packs in the future, which would be free updates for anyone who has already purchased the art packs.</p><p>Detailed Instructions for using Spriter with C2 can be found here:</p><p></p>

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  • Spriter Pro— Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    Spriter is the ultimate 2D animation and object creation tool. It's an intuitive animation tool that lets you animate with or without bones, or any combination thereof, along with frame by frame features. A host of other useful features like tweening curves, inverse kinematics, and onion skinning make creating amazing animations a breeze.Create silky smooth, state of the art 2D animated characters and effects that play back in your games exactly as they did in the editor. No more picking and choosing which frames of animation will make it into your game. Animations tween in real time to give your games that super smooth look that only modular animation can provide. The Spriter importer Scirra has built into Construct 2, and the scml plugin give you access to a family/group of sprite objects, so you can play your animations back, but still have access to each individual sprite you used to make up the body.Additional game related features like animated collision boxes and action points (think animated Image Points) make editing game data into an intuitive artistic visual process that integrates powerfully with Construct 2's event system. Character Maps allow you to create variations or 'skins' for your characters. Without any additional time or animation data, you can add accessories like weapons and clothing, or even swap out the entire character's art to make a completely different character that shares the animation data. These character maps can be swapped and combined on the fly using actions with the scml plugin.There are a host of other amazing features coming to both Spriter and the C2 plugin, and these will all be free updates to Spriter Pro owners.(Get the plugin and detailed import instructions here: )

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Spriter - Pro

  • Basic Platformer Art Pack — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <p>This art pack includes a robustly animated platformer player character, ready to walk, run, slide, crouch, flip, and swim his (or her) way through the world you create. Also included are several fully animated basic enemies, a couple of boss-like characters and a few effects you�ll likely find useful for things like impacts, pick-up effects etc. This Art Pack also includes three unique �skins� for the player character..these are unique image sets which turn the player into a female, a robot or an anthropomorphised cat.</p><p>Detailed Instructions for using Spriter with C2 can be found here:</p><p></p><p>IMPORTANT: This Art Pack shares content with the Adventure Platformer Art Pack. If you�ve already purchased the Adventure Platformer Art Pack, you are eligible for a 50 percent discount for this art pack. Email us at for a coupon code.</p>

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  • Adventure Platformer Art Pack — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <p>This art pack includes a robustly animated adventure themed platformer player character, ready to walk, run, slide, crouch, flip, and swim his (or her) way through the world you create. Also included are several fully animated basic adventure themed enemies, a couple of boss-like characters and a few effects you�ll likely find useful for things like impacts, pick-up effects etc. This Art Pack also includes three unique �skins� for the player character..these are unique image sets which turn the player into a female, an enemy goblin or an anthropomorphised cat. </p><p>Detailed Instructions for using Spriter with C2 can be found here:</p><p></p><p>IMPORTANT: This Art Pack shares content with the Basic Platformer Art Pack. If you�ve already purchased the Basic Platformer Art Pack, you are eligible for a 50 percent discount for this art pack. Email us at for a coupon code</p>

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  • Anybody else getting this error after carefully following the instructions?


    The only difference between my install & the instructions on Spriter's forum (linked above) is that I have a portable install of C2, so I installed Spriter to that plugin folder instead of to my C drive.

    Has anybody got it working successfully on a portable install?

    Hi miketv. Sorry to get back to you so late. I'm going to talk to Ashley because this is an importer (c2-side) problem. I'll let you know what he says. Also this works for me if I do a portable install to different folders on my hard drive, but all of my portable devices use MTP so I can't test on a different device. Can you tell me what type of device or setup you're trying to use, and I'll pass that information on to Ashley as well.

    would it be possible to make sprite's head and arms follow mouse cursor without having to animate every angle separately?

    That will be much easier when I implement subentities in the plugin.

    Also, heads up everyone Spriter B10 is released, and has the full feature set for Spriter 1.0.

  • Hello again everyone. I know I'm a bit behind on getting back to some of you, but I'm all caught up Spriter side now, and going to be taking a look through everyone's capx's and issues. If you sent me something to look at any time in the past week or two, and I haven't gotten back to you by Wednesday, please give me a nudge here or at in case I missed you.

    Also, very exciting Spriter update upcoming. This particular feature won't make it to C2 immediately, as I will be focused on bugs, and closing up Spriter 1.0, and I'm sure the Scirra folks are extremely busy launching the Scirra store, but I fully intend to have the C2 plugin fully support this feature (with runtime actions to control it) in the future, so it's something to salivate over in the meantime:

    Bass_X, I can't tell from the screenshots, is the problem that the zorder isn't working as expected, or that collision detection isn't working as expected?

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  • ThunderLion, not yet. We've had a

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    version of the feature in experimental form available for some time. This shouldn't be used in production yet, and is no indication of the final ui. It is still a while off, but the plan is to develop that into a full-feature some time after 1.0, and also eventually add it to the scml plugin for webGL mode in C2. There's no feasible way I know of to do it in HTML5 and run at a usable framerate.

    kraed, thanks. Glad you got it working.

  • Hi everyone. kraed and Anirender, sorry you're having trouble. Please make sure you're saving both the scml and the scon files. C2 uses the scml file to import, and the runtime uses the scon file to load the animation. We will eventually eliminate the need for 2 files.

    Here's a detailed guide that should help you get started if you're still having trouble. Please let me know if that fixes your issues.

    I will be getting back into the plugin in the next week. I haven't had much time to look into bugs or adding features as we were closing up Spriter B9. We have a few Mac issues to sort out with the new version, and then I will look into everyone's issues and adding more cool new features or enhancements for the plugin. Thanks for your patience.

    On a side note, Spriter saves animated gifs now.

    It's a fun way to share your character animations during development.

    Here's our update announcement for Spriter B9.

    Thought this might come in handy for anyone uploading multiple items into the store, and save you a couple of minutes.

    I just created these PSD templates for each image size, and then it was very easy to either paste and shrink a screenshot, or assemble a new image out of multiple layers. This went much more quickly than my first attempt loading in whatever images I was using and resizing the canvas or cropping, etc.

  • I will look into it I apologize to anyone waiting for me to get back to them about a capx. We're closing up the current build of Spriter, so most of my time is one that until the build comes out sometime in the next week. Thanks for your patience.

    Bass_X - you mean within Spriter Pro, the import another Spriter project into a Spriter project? or you mean a C2 project using Spriter, and it didn't import the character maps into C2?

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