lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • Ragevortex, sorry for the late reply. We don't have anything for dancers or musician animation. As far as available animations, there's our art packs, the sample project, a couple of users (most notably tombmonkey) have shared their animations on our forums for other users to learn from.


    plugin changelog 10/24/14

    • Fixed a bug where z-order changes wouldn't update sprites for paused animations until after the object was moved or animation was resumed.
    • Plugin-side support for Sub-Entities (not yet useable*).

    *Sub-Entity support is now in the plugin, but is not yet supported by Construct 2's Spriter importer. Over the next week, I'll put together an explanation of the manual import process. Manually importing a file is usually a bit tedious, but it will work for people eager to give the new feature a try. In the meantime, I will be brainstorming to see if there's a way to minimize any changes/additions needed for C2's importer, and then sending any necessary information to Ashley. I'll keep you updated as everything progresses.

  • I haven't had the chance to test this extensively, but I will post back here when I do get a chance, and I'll also update the link in the original post. In the meantime, if anyone wanted to test out some of these new features.

    plugin changelog 10/16/14

    • Added support for Spriter variables
    • Added support for Spriter tags
    • Added support for Spriter events

    When I have a chance I'll make some tutorial videos, but now that these latest are implemented, the plugin is a lot more powerful. All 3 are Spriter Pro features, and allow you to do quite a wide array of behaviors. Use tags to designate parts of your animation to be 'unblockable' or 'go through projectiles'. Spawn a projectile exactly at the moment the recoil happens in your animation using a Spriter 'event'. Or use events to spawn a magical effect or particle burst at a precise moment in the animation. Use variables for anything from deciding what parameters to set to effects controlled and tweened through your Spriter animation, or use string variables to control the pacing of dialog boxes to go with your character's animated emoting. Much like variables, these tools add a wide variety of use cases to your arsenal. If anyone decides to test any of this out, again remember until further notice, these new features haven't been tested thoroughly in the plugin yet, so only use this for testing purposes for the time being. I expect to have sub-entities (the final pro feature for Spriter 1.0 left to implement in the plugin) by next Wednesday.

  • sman118 Did you create and animate the skeleton before adding the sprites? Spriter lets you have sprites on some frames, even if you don't have them on all frames. Copy, and Paste to All Frames (edit menu or Ctrl-Shift-V) of just the sprites you're trying to move should fix the issue if you did add animations frames first and then add the sprites. Normally, it's best to fully assemble the character before animating it. Let me know if this helps fix your issue, and if not, feel free to email the zipped project folder (scml file, and all the images/subdirectories) to , and I can help you further.

  • is this plugin needed anymore, or does Construct 2 have integrated support for Spriter now?

    There are programs that target multiple software (like Trapcode's suites) and upon installation they detect which relative software the user has already installed in his/her system and give the option to install the appropriate files for each software. Granted, the example I am using is a plugin suite, but I was hoping that Spriter could install as a standalone software and during the installation process detect all (if any) of the relative programs that support importing the .scon files and offer the ability to setup the corresponding and up-to-date importers/plugins for each one of them.

    The plan is for the scml plugin to eventually be included with C2 as a standard plugin, which will solve the same issue, as any updates would be included with each C2 download.

    We could consider automatic plugin installation at some point in the future, but something like this would be as complex to implement as some of the more powerful features and enhancements we're planning on adding in the near future, so it's not high on the priority list for the time being.

    [quote:1jigszwc]So, if I understand this correctly, the importing method and the way C2 updates the changes on the .scon files are in essence things that Scirra has to decide and implement, it's not to BrashMonkey's end..?

    Ashley and I discuss the requirements of the import and the best way for the plugin and import process to work with C2's architecture, but it's up to me to prioritize and develop the plugin itself, and up to Ashley to prioritize and develop the part of C2 that manages the imports and reimports (everything that happens immediately after dropping an scml or scon file into a C2 layout). For the most part, since Ashley has such a nonstop stream of C2 updates and planned features, we try to consolidate anything needed for the import into less frequent, larger changes. Once I have the information he'll need to implement sub-entity imports and possibly deformable sprites, I'll bring up an exclusively .scon import again.

    If there is still two required files for import by the time I'm done with everything planned for immediately after Spriter 1.0, I've been considering adding a file settings template feature in Spriter, so you can select Construct 2 as your target platform or any predefined custom option set you want to create and share. So for C2, this would automatically set all the save options, and cause every save to automatically save both the scml and scon versions, until/unless you deselected that template.

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  • Great update,and how long can we use all the pro features on c2 plugin?

    I'm working on getting an update to the plugin out by Wednesday. It should be close to fully supporting all pro features, and depending on what's left, I can give an estimate of when you should expect the rest, though it shouldn't be over another week. This includes sub-entities, though I have to think about the ideal import process and run it by Ashley and see when he could update the c2 importer. Sub-Entities would still be useable in the meantime through a manual import process.

    I was thinking that the finished version should install the corresponding Construct 2 plugin automatically upon Spriter's installation. This way there wont be any confusion upon upcoming updates, each newest version should setup the necessary files in Construct's installation folder and be ready to go.

    We won't be able to do this as Spriter isn't exclusive to Construct 2. It can be made to work on any engine, or used for traditional frame by frame animation through exported pngs and gifs. Ashley and I have discussed the idea of the plugin getting bundled with C2 after the plugin and Spriter 1.0 are complete.

    [quote:18a58gu0]Also, I am not sure about the current state of .scml & .scon dependencies, but I think that a single file should be needed in order to import & update animations in a project between Spriter & C2.

    This is a matter of if and when Ashley has a chance to change the importer to load from .scon instead of .scml. He has to prioritize what to spend time on, and there's still a feature or two that will be added to Spriter that will require additions to the importer. I will ask him what his plans are on switching the importer to .scon after those features are complete.

    [quote:18a58gu0]Ideally, saved changes on a Spriter's project should be transferred automatically within C2, and if not automatically, with a simple update or re-import button/right click command.

    The automatic transfer would be impractical, and again Spriter isn't C2 or even Windows exclusive. I don't know know whether Ashley would want to add a right-click reimport command, but it's possible in a future version of Spriter I might be able to add an icon you can click and drag from Spriter into C2 that would reimport the currently open file. There's quite a bit on the todo list before we can think of implementing something like that though.

    Any approximate date when the plugin update will be available ?

    See above. I aim to have sub-entities implemented within a week from this Wednesday.

    Question: Is it possible to apply WebGL effects (tint, replace color) to only specific parts of a Spriter Character. For example, I build a character and only want to effect the PNG's that make up his shirt?

    Yes. This will work if you just add the effect to the individual sprite(s). You can also use the effect actions and groups, to pick specific instances to activate the effects on.

    Thanks for the kind words everyone!

  • tgeorgemihai, Please email with your purchase email, and he'll send you back the links.

    The best way is to make the character move the head and hand separately is to wait a little longer until sub-entities are available in the c2 plugin for runtime control.

    If you'd rather not, the other way would be to make two separate entities (most easily through copy pasting after making a full character):

    If you just need the gun facing in 8 directions or set angles, you can just create the separate animations such as "aiming right", "aiming up". etc, and you're done.

    If you create an action point on the leg animation where the torso should be attached, it will make easy to just set the torso location to that point at every tick. When the plugin supports subentities, this entire process will be eliminated and you will just be able to control the sub-entity separately and change animations, set time, etc, and it will automatically be attached for you.

    If you want the gun to be able to face in any direction at any angle, it's a little more complicated, but still possible -

    create an animation that aims the gun from left to up to right in Spriter in half circle, or full circle, or whatever the full range is, and use the 'set current time' action in c2 with a ratio from 0 to 1 to control the animation:

    This would be limited to a still facing in that direction, so it wouldn't be able to animate the gun recoiling through this method at every angle without doing something more. That would require using the plugins 'set second animation' method, and using the animation blend ration instead of the time ratio, which might be more difficult if the range of motion can't be blended smoothly with just two animations.

    The plugin will eventually support more advanced features some time after 1.0, such as game time IK controlled through actions in C2, and some unannounced post 1.0 Spriter features which will make stuff like this much simpler.

  • Moving an animation to another entity isn't possible yet. I will add it to the todo list.

  • oh! I just tested the download and it took a couple of seconds, Glad you got it working anyhow.

  • DUTOIT, in the meantime, you can download it here:

    And the key you got from the Scirra Store will work.

    6bruno6, no but I will add that to the plugin soon.

    Tekniko, thank you very much!

    PSI, thanks, I will get back to you soon.

  • I think I know what you mean

    Each individual sprite that makes up your character has the pivot point forced at 0,0, and now if you change the sprite's pivot point in the layout, at runtime that sprite is offset in the animation. Ashley and I decided to have the plugin do pivot point calculations because C2 doesn't allow changing of pivots at runtime, but Spriter's format does.

    I can make the plugin compensate for pivot points altered after import. I think I have a solution that doesn't involve any extra calculations, but there's a few other plugin features and Spriter features I'm working on first. So it's on the todo list.

  • Hi again everyone.

    Tiny update to the plugin:

    plugin changelog 9/28/14

    • Fixed a bug where upon resuming an animation, playback would skip forward the amount of time it had been paused.
    • Added set opacity action.

    I'm looking back through the pages, and I remembered there being more bugs to fix, but I'm not finding all of them. If you're having any issues with the plugin, please reply in this thread again. I will be fixing any critical bugs over the next few days ASAP. I will start getting all the pro-features into the plugin upon full release of B11 which should be sometime this week.

    PSI, sorry to make you do this again, but please send me an email with your latest capx, and a list of all the issues you're still experiencing. I know the one with not being able to set opacity on individual body parts. I'm not sure if the new set opacity action will fit your needs for your game or not. There was another issue with an animation playing back differently (or broken) in C2 that was working correctly in Spriter? Please also send the latest zipped Spriter project, so I can see the difference in animation, and please also list any bugs I missed listing just now in an email. Thanks again for your patience.

  • I found the issue. In the animation 'Spellsmith_DS', at this time: ... lslash.PNG

    You have an image that was removed from the directory, but is still referenced in the project. If you change this to a different image, or add a file called "SpellSmith_DualAttackSlash0000.png" to the directory it should import fine.

    In prior versions Spriter would create an image file that looked like the missing image symbol, but that was causing issues when users edited a file with older software and trying to refresh in Spriter would cause a valid image to get overwritten.

    I added a few related things to Spriter's to do list though, because now that it doesn't create the files automatically, it should warn you on exit, list missing file names and ask if you want to generate the missing file pngs.

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