lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • part of the 's' plugin (which is indefinitely delayed)

    left mouse click adds some smoke (1 quick click will do at first so you can get a feel for volume)

    hold right mouse button and drag for wind

    this is just a simple sprite that grows with density

    better visualizations can be used

    like distorted meshes

    or physics objects carried on the currents

    another example, using a mesh:


    this worked for pixel rebirth: (the mesh one did at least)

    it's a reduced model that doesn't let you adjust viscocity and such:

    mesh color filter based:

    sprite size based:

    press 'c' to clear out all the smoke

    also, I think I know why it's crashing for some folks

    I have 1024 invisible sprites in there that were there for testing purposes rotating and stuff

    I'll make a new version that doesn't have those later

    this is going to be used in my game for debris being carried on wind currents

    and of course

    smoke and fog

  • sorry for the delayed response

    the hello world tutorial has the importation of a sprite font

    unfortunately, there is no easy way to cut up the sprites into individual frames, unless they are evenly spaced

    I was going to make an app to speed the process, but that's far, far on the back burner, as I really need to continue development on my game while I still have a job.

    you basically just make each letter a frame in a sprite

    if they are in order (the frames), then you can just set a range, , if they aren't in order, you can specify the order, with the Set By String action

  • These must be real people, unless the bots have gotten through the human check I put on a while ago.

    lookie here

  • Is this the right thread for this plugin? I thought I remember a larger thread.

    nah, this is:

  • thanks devs



    - [CHANGE] Sprite: distort maps now tile the texture when distorting outside the texture area. Allows

  • don't forget sliders and knobs

  • windows controls will always appear on top, solution: don't use them they're glitchy crap anyways

    yeah, pretty much. there's so many problems with windows controls it's insane.

  • me 3

  • It's too bad that one can't release an Application-controlled Control... oh well.

    what do you mean?

  • sci

    basically, you still do everything the same way

    it's just that the Actions Conditions and Expressions are in a different order

    so when you load caps made with the older version they load the wrong actions and conditions

    or it just crashes

    I definitely need to go back and remake those caps

    but all the syntax is still valid

    if you're interested in trying the caps in the meantime

    the original post has the older version of s that still works with the caps for download

    then when you get to the level editor tut, or start working on your own you can download the new version again

    also, feel free to ask specifics on your inventory thing if you run into trouble, and I'll be glad to help

    it'll also help me figure out which things are most confusing and rework or tutorialize those features.

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  • cool thing about construct is,

    often times, you can translate your thoughts pretty directly to events:

    since there is no On Control Released condition (there might be one in the Custom Controls plugin, I don't remember), I'll be using 'left mouse button' instead of "fire" in this example:

    we are going to assume that 'power' starts at 175 when you start holding the button:

    <img src="">

    I want, while the "Fire" control is held down and 'Power' is below 700, to increase the Power in increments of 175 every 200 milliseconds.

    <img src="">

    Once the "Fire" control is released, the projectile is shot at the speed of 'Power' pixels per second.

    <img src="">


    <img src="">

  • Really? I thought David was working on/had completed something to do with picking integration in Python. He's Mr. Python though, so would have to comment himself.

    yup. exciting times.

    i guess if davids done it, there'll be something to hold over until then. there isnt much extra you have to do to the python with s. so it wont be any trouble to start some scripts the 's' way, and then continue the project with the integrated python.

    also, for anyone whos wondering. you dont need to learn 's, to use the python. the python stuff does not depend on any of the other functions

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