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  • i never really messed with 3dbox, but i dont think it has any 3d collision detection ability, also, the mouse/keyboard's click detection, doesnt account for z depth, so if something isnt at 0 z-elevation it doesnt work correctly

    you can try it out with drag and drop behavior, and change the z-depth a little

  • very awesome

    I never knew the image manipulator could do anything cool at all

    I thought it was just for slowdowns and crashes

    btw, the h loop is unneeded, so this is a probably a little more efficient:

    this is badass though

    awesome work

  • megabytes

  • every action, expression, and condition has a python equivalent

    even for 3rd party plugins. it's built into the SDK to require a python command for everything

    the expressions are written the same way in construct or in python

    so if you can type sprite.angle in construct to get a sprite's angle, it will be the same in python.

    most actions and conditions have an obvious python equivalent, but if you're having trouble figuring it out, there is a way to look up the python commands for most plugins.

    it may seem a little complicated, but it isn't really

    first go to the construct SVN:

    and find a plugin you'd like

    when you click on the plugin directory (in the SVN link above, not on your hard drive)

    there will be a bunch of files to choose from

    the only one you need is ACETABLE.cpp

    this file contains all the info construct uses to make the plugin's editor interface to actions conditions and expressions

    once again, this next part might seem intimidating, but there's only one tiny piece you need, I'm just pasting the whole thing here, so you can have an idea how it'll look in the file

    (they won't be highlighted on the SVN) :

    this is from the line plugin:

    29 ADDPARAM(PARAM_PRIVATEVARIABLE, "Private variable", "Select the private variable to test.");

    30 ADDPARAMCOMBO("Comparison", "Select the comparison to make.", "Equal to|Not equal to|Less than|Less or equal|Greater than|Greater or equal");

    31 ADDPARAM(PARAM_VALUE, "Value", "Value to compare to");

    32 ADDCND("*Compare a private variable", "Private variables", "%o %n: Value %0 %1 %2", &ExtObject::cValueCmp, "CompareValue", 0);

    see that last line? the second thing from the end, highlighted in green?


    that's the python command. on the very left of this line after ADDCND, highlighted in red, is what you would click on in the construct condition list to add this condition, so to "Compare a private variable", you would you type CompareValue.

    one more example:

    78 ADDPARAM(PARAM_VALUE, "X", "X of line start to set.");

    79 ADDACT("Set start X", "Line", "Set start X to %0", &ExtObject::aSetStartX, "SetStartX", 0);

    second from the end is : SetStartX

    this is how you "Set start X"

    if you use your browser's find function, it is very simple to find whatever it is you clicked on in construct to get an action, and the corresponding python command

    hope this helps

    without the S fix, which I will try to release this weekend (remind me )

    you can still experiment with python, and get it up and running

    I have to leave to work now, but if you search the forums you can find the answers to the following:

    there is a certain version of python that must be installed on your system for python to work in construct

    have fun

  • awesome david

    I was thinking of something like this once, though I never saw the other game you were talking about

    in my head though, it was more like two droplets separating with a larger droplet for larger numbers of players, but canvas doesn't have mesh distortion abilities so it was a no go

    If I make my game co op

    I definitely have to integrate some kind of clever screen splitting deal

  • I just have windows firewall (win7)

    1.65 MB/s on the antivirus download

  • angle(0,0,Xbox360Controller.LeftThumbX(1),Xbox360Controller.LeftThumbY(1))

  • thanks cresco

    python currently ignores picking and just applies actions to the first object

    so if you had a condition

    on collision with Sprite2

    ----python : Sprite2.x =50

    it wouldn't apply to the sprite2 in the collision, it would apply to the first instance of sprite2, no matter what

    the upcoming (not yet released) version of S

    allows you to loop your python actions through every picked instance of an object

    thus fixing this problem of python

    the only other python issue I know of is that you can't use system actions

    this would be an easy fix, but more time consuming than I can manage at the moment

    finishing s is on the backburner for me right now, because my dayjob is unstable, and I need to get my game far enough along that if something happens with my job it isn't impossible to work on in short bursts

    however, due to all the python talk on the boards lately, I'm going to probably release the In Between Version I'm currently working with, that has the python fix, and just warn people about the other new (nonpython) features that aren't fully integrated

  • 20mbits down/2mbits up here

    and I regularly get 1.5megaBytes per second downloads on torrents

    and a constant 250 kiloBytes per second upload

    when downloading stuff directly from the web with DownThemAll I've seen as high as 8 megaBytes per second, but 2.5 MBs per second is fairly common

    also, when opening up 20 tabs in firefox there is usually no waiting

    with video streaming sites like youtube or gametrailers though, I'm usually slowed down by the site itself

    and uh... I wasn't gonna mention this, but since David said "torrent"


  • I am clueless when it comes to shaders

    but I don't think that requires multiple layered effects does it?

    isn't what it's doing like bumpmapping, it's like taking a 2d heightmap basically, and using it to drop shadows on anything darker or further

    anyway, if someone knows how to try, I'd love to have this effect converted to construct fx

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  • thank you deadeye, and daiz.

    i think i have a theory about the cause of all these weird bugs finally

    ill have to test my theory tomorrow on my day off

    if im right then thisll finally be in the release candidate stage

  • thanks devs

    glad to see things moving again

    3dbox fans getting alot of love lately

    hope to see the corresponding sprite z_elevation and 3d mesh fixes to go along with those soon

    good job though, guys, seriously

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