every action, expression, and condition has a python equivalent
even for 3rd party plugins. it's built into the SDK to require a python command for everything
the expressions are written the same way in construct or in python
so if you can type sprite.angle in construct to get a sprite's angle, it will be the same in python.
most actions and conditions have an obvious python equivalent, but if you're having trouble figuring it out, there is a way to look up the python commands for most plugins.
it may seem a little complicated, but it isn't really
first go to the construct SVN:
and find a plugin you'd like
when you click on the plugin directory (in the SVN link above, not on your hard drive)
there will be a bunch of files to choose from
the only one you need is ACETABLE.cpp
this file contains all the info construct uses to make the plugin's editor interface to actions conditions and expressions
once again, this next part might seem intimidating, but there's only one tiny piece you need, I'm just pasting the whole thing here, so you can have an idea how it'll look in the file
(they won't be highlighted on the SVN) :
this is from the line plugin:
29 ADDPARAM(PARAM_PRIVATEVARIABLE, "Private variable", "Select the private variable to test.");
30 ADDPARAMCOMBO("Comparison", "Select the comparison to make.", "Equal to|Not equal to|Less than|Less or equal|Greater than|Greater or equal");
31 ADDPARAM(PARAM_VALUE, "Value", "Value to compare to");
32 ADDCND("*Compare a private variable", "Private variables", "%o %n: Value %0 %1 %2", &ExtObject::cValueCmp, "CompareValue", 0);
see that last line? the second thing from the end, highlighted in green?
that's the python command. on the very left of this line after ADDCND, highlighted in red, is what you would click on in the construct condition list to add this condition, so to "Compare a private variable", you would you type CompareValue.
one more example:
78 ADDPARAM(PARAM_VALUE, "X", "X of line start to set.");
79 ADDACT("Set start X", "Line", "Set start X to %0", &ExtObject::aSetStartX, "SetStartX", 0);
second from the end is : SetStartX
this is how you "Set start X"
if you use your browser's find function, it is very simple to find whatever it is you clicked on in construct to get an action, and the corresponding python command
hope this helps
without the S fix, which I will try to release this weekend (remind me )
you can still experiment with python, and get it up and running
I have to leave to work now, but if you search the forums you can find the answers to the following:
there is a certain version of python that must be installed on your system for python to work in construct
have fun