Pointer object

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  • Okay, I'm not sure it's a good idea to create a new topic just for that but, the others look so full that I wasn't sure I should post in them.

    I just want to say that a pointer object that allows to change the pointer of the mouse should be really great. It could also be an improvement to the already-existing "Mouse & Keyboard" object, so there would be no need to create a brand new object for that.


  • Mouse behavior perhaps?

    Btw there is a command to hide the pointer in mouse & keyboard.

  • Sprite for custom pointer appearance, slap mouse behaviour onto it and there you have it.

  • Does that click as good as a cursor?


  • If I'm not mistaken it's essentially the same as:


    sprite set position to mouse x,y

    Although the devs say all the behaviors take time delta into account.

  • Well, I meant, on a cursor, there is a hotspot. It's that part of the cursor that click.

    Will the hotspot of the sprite become the hotspot of the pointer if I set the sprite with Mouse Movement and if I make invisible the real mouse pointer?


  • I believe the hot spot is used, yes. Or you can use, an image point, or just x,y coords with other methods.

  • Well, it doesn't really work. For example, there is no way to get the sprite-pointer forward a button.

    It would really be better with a real cursor, with a real cursor hotspot.


  • Not sure what you mean.

    You do know you can place the hotspot wherever you like, right?

  • Mouse behavior perhaps?

    Btw there is a command to hide the pointer in mouse & keyboard.

    I always use that method but it would be cool to change the look of the mouse, not to make a sprite that replaces it.

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  • its the exact same thing, just make sure your hot spot on the sprite is where you want the "clicking zone" to be, since the top left corner of the mouse (THE POINT) is where the object will be positioned.

    so if you had an image of a mouse cursor, youd put the hotspot at the top left so that it behaves like a real mouse.

    a cursor object is redundant and useless, as it would essentially be doing the exact same thing as this.

    no games ever actually change the cursor, they just use this method.

  • Well, there is still a problem and it seems nobody saw it apart me...or I'm wrong.

    My sprite (used as a pointer with the Mouse movement and the REAL cursor hidden) can't go forward a button object, for example. I say "for example" because I only tried with a button.

    See? The sprite is under the button, even if I do "Move Forward" or "Bring to Front".

    This is a problem we wouldn't have with a cursor.

    Maybe the best way is to resolve this on the already-existing Mouse Movement behavior.


  • The button object is always on top. So your solution is to make up your own button out of a sprite.

  • windows controls will always appear on top, solution: don't use them they're glitchy crap anyways, make your own buttons. now a button object to make different types of controls easy to make would be nice.

  • windows controls will always appear on top, solution: don't use them they're glitchy crap anyways

    yeah, pretty much. there's so many problems with windows controls it's insane.

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