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  • Anyone who has a free moment, can you do a quick expirement for me?

    Take any current construct project and turn on the fps display.

    edit: the higher the resolution the better

    See how many fps you get

    Then add a canvas that takes up the whole screen and gets a sprite pasted to it every tick

    And post the before and after fps here along with your pc specs, and what resolution it was running at

    Considering using it for an effect in my game and I know full screen canvases kill some machines, trying to figure out if its the majority, or the minority, and at least if it works fine with most peopl with semidecent gaming pcs

  • yeah, use the search expression for the range to get the first instance

  • weird, I was just doing this today for my own project

    set torque towards object

    at a force of anglediff(.angle,angle(ship.x,ship.y,mousex,mousey))

    multiply that whole thing by something or divide it by something until it's at a good looking amount

  • hey luomu

    might I suggest posting this in Construct Discussion?

    it's become the unspoken standard place to release new plugins, or plugin betas, and alot more people will see it. I think the average user ignores the Construct Engineering board, because it's mainly for plugin developers and construct developers to talk about the development side of things

  • I'm trying to get clarification on whethere or not the game is available for free play on this site if you win. Or don't win, in which case, it kinda destroys your chances of getting published, or selfpublishing. Id not, I will almost definitely enter

    • yourobject pv is equal to 1

    ----set global to countmatching

    You just have to have a condition that picks the object you want to count

  • and this would be in response to the recent flood of 3d requests that didn't occur?

    also, sprite plugin supports 3d distortion and movement

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  • she's 11. just taught her the basics of the Lego mindstorms programming language, and gave her an assignment, click through for the details:

  • I took out most of greetings and signatures, but they were polite or formal, just irrelevant. I also removed the company names, and anything that would identify the paper, author, or the company in question, so if you know, please don't reveal it in a response. The purpose is not to paint anyone in a bad light. I just think these email transcripts might prove instructive. plus, i just think the whole thing is a little silly, and I wanted to share it.

    the first email was sent on may 30, I received the last reply today, jun 16

    [quote:37cci1s9]Hello sir.

    First, thank you for sharing your ideas with the world. I wanted to ask for permission to use the source code, and if not, the algorithm or ideas contained in the paper,********* for a commercial gaming project. If the code or ideas are not yours in the sense that you may grant or refuse permission, would you please direct me to the proper channels? Thanks again for your time and your informative paper.

    Edgar Muniz

    [quote:37cci1s9]Hi Edgar Muniz,

    I understand that ******* does not have a licensing in place for its patents. I do not own the patent btw (I am the inventor however). For more details contact ********.


    I wanted to ask for permission to use the source code, and if not, the algorithm or ideas contained in the paper, ******** for a commercial gaming project. Thanks for your time.

    [quote:37cci1s9]I will be on maternity leave beginning April 12th.

    During my leave:

    • For trademark and copyright matters between April 12th-June 7th, please contact *******
    • For trademark and copyright matters after June 7th, please contact ******************
    • For patent matters, please contact ******************
    • For all other matters, please contact ************


    I wanted to ask for permission to use the source code, and if not, the algorithm or ideas contained in the paper, ******** for a commercial gaming project. Thanks for your time.

    [quote:37cci1s9] Hi Edgar,

    I need to check in with you on a couple things:

    How did you come into contact with the papers?

    Can you tell me the name of the company that you work for?

    [quote:37cci1s9]Thank you for the response.

    I came in contact with the papers by googling various related terms, such as ******, and *******.

    The company is in the process of incorporation, and as such has not shipped any games. The name of the company, pending government approval, will be ********, and our domain name is parked at *******.net.

    [quote:37cci1s9]Hi Edgar,

    The contents of the paper are ***** intellectual property which we currently do not license to 3rd parties as a company policy. Because of this we have to deny you permission to use these techniques. If this changes at some point in the future, I will let you know.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions.

    [quote:37cci1s9]I do have one more question, just to clarify. If I do a google search for "based on ******" I get 82,900 results, many of which are open source libraries which grant permission for use in one's own projects. Some are applications being sold on app stores for various mobile devices. The list goes on. Am I being denied permission to use the source-code specifically? If it is the actual ideas in the paper I'm being denied permission to use, is there any way I can get a concise list of which aspects of the ***** are ******* intellectual property as distinct from the ideas that were adapted from the various references listed at the end of the paper? I am aware there are other places to learn *******, but to be quite honest, it is difficult to find any modern source that does not reference this paper.


    It is very difficult to provide a blanket response to your questions. In general we do not license our research papers. That said, certain papers may contain information that is otherwise freely available for use by the public. Other pieces of information may be protected by intellectual property laws that protect copyrights and patents, among other things.

    I suggest that you work with your attorneys who help you with intellectual property matters to determine what is appropriate for your circumstances.

  • You don't have to change anything. I just meant, name you button "choicename" variable after the layout it will take you to,

    Instead of 'set text' to choicename

    On button press

    --goto layout "choicename"

    I also meant the same could be done with the id variable and layout numbers

  • was there a certain level of complexity required for the assignments?

    were some of the games to be as simple as pac-man/tetris? or were they all past a certain threshold of complexity/size supermario bros or link to the past?

    also, construct is obviously not designed to be very usable for multiperson projects. was it an oversight that some projects were organized into small teams, or was that done intentionally to create an additional challenge to overcome?

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