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  • opengameart was a little difficult to search but thanks anyway

    tulamide those are awesome

    I had just bought something from soundsnap a few minutes before you posted that

    and the freesound project has some awesome stuff, and license seems fine as well

  • I would proceed with computer science, or software engineering.

    in my opinion, learning c++ is a good place to start. Aside from the fact that it's still widely used in the game industry if you decide to go that route, it's also extremely powerful, and isn't really too quirky in any way, so when you try to learn more languages later, it will usually seem C-like enough that you can learn them very rapidly

    after a year or two when you get a feel for what you like, it'll be easier to see if there is something you want to specialize in.

  • has alot of ridiculously high quality photos and textures for free for use in any way other than just reposting them unaltered as textures somewhere else

    is there something like that with sound?

    I know there are tons of free sound effects on the web, but they usually sound like they were recorded with a broken $1 pc mic with frayed wires, in the middle of an electrical storm next to an AC unit, and then downsampled so they could be played on an atari 2600.

    I mean high quality. I don't even mind if I have to pay a little money per sound effect. I just want them to sound really good. large variety and good search function would be nice, too

  • I've never used it, I realized it'd be perfect to integrate with the movement system I'm trying to create now. I'm in rush mode with this project though, so if there's any nasty surprises that await, I'd rather know now rather than through experimentation.

    how is the platform behavior as far as stability

    and as far as being able to change it and add and change motion and such?

  • From personal experience I can say that learning the sdk, is a fun way of learning to elevate programming skils beyond crap

    With the extra motivation of creating something useful in the process

  • that is indeed cool

    but as far as I know, he has been working for blizzard for as long as he's been here

    I thought sein was finally released on steam

  • Is the character facing towards the right in the actual unrotated image?

  • 3.4ghz quad processor


    radeon 5870 (1gig)

  • it runs at 60 fps on my pc

    even though it looks like nonsense

    it's running 2 bone ik math on 3000 different bones, moving 3000 different sprites

    trying to see how many characters I can realistically have on a project I'm working on

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I'm working on a game yall

    this is not the game, but

    anyone who has 5 seconds, please run this exe

    and tell me what fps you get

  • thanks

    and also, forgot, what resolution?

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