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  • well to begin narrowing down, and to clarify

    pixel shaders are separate from plasma, if the plasma doesn't have an effect on it, pixel shaders shouldn't be an issue.

    the plasma doesn't have an effect added right?

    Also, are you absolutely sure that you have the same version of Construct?

    As for the second question, generally, if you have more than one unrelated question, it's probably best to just make two separate posts, as long as you're not flooding the board with 5 posts at a time. This will make it easier for anyone having the same question/problem as you to find your question, and also let's people who might have an answer see that you asked it.

    There are two expressions that may be of interest.

    TotalObjects - which give's you the total number of objects (of any type) currently in the layout,

    and CountMatching(OID or ObjectName) gives you the number of a certain type of object, like CountMatching("BadGuySprite"), will tell you how many BadGuySprites match that event. If you use it with an Always condition, it will give you the total amount of BadGuySprites currently on the layout

    CountMatching and TotalObjects are System Expressions, and you get a list to choose from if you doubleclick the system icon while setting the parameters in any new action, condition, or expression

  • confirmed,

    also at first I accidentally loaded this with Construct 0.82, it works fine on that

    the bug does manifest on 99.84 though

  • very nice uberlou.

    have you ever worked on a full game before?

    and is this just going to be an example or an actual game...commercial? free?

    This... actually makes me feel depressed. ... Argh. >< This has made me feel inferior now.

    That's the spirit!

  • I think Construct is ready for a major game. I don't think Game Maker is. This isn't a random attack because I like Construct more. I moved to Construct because Game Maker is very slow. You don't want to discover how slow by making your game reach the complexity threshold gradually and then figuring it out. To test this, write a program in gamemaker that adds 1+1 over and over in a loop. Test how many times this can loop per frame before it begins to slow down.

    Save frequently like everyone else says, and do it with iterative filenames, i.e. yourgame.cap, yourgame2.cap, etc

    Aside from the beta aspect, if you ever want to undo a large portion of game, it's convenient.

    I'm working on a commercial title in Construct, this is only after torturetesting Construct with insanely complicated tasks, and it's proven to be stable for me. If there's anything I would be concerned with it's the aforementioned longer and longer loading times. I only found this when attempting to put huge animations into Construct, or insanely huge images. This problem isn't Construct exclusive, however, there's a reason why even most modern 2d games don't have screen-sized sprites, and when they do, they're usually bone animated.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Here is a thought that might get me laughed at... but, nothing would really stop you from making something in Construct, taking a screenshot at runtime, cropping it in another program like GIMP or Photoshop (similar to what you did in your initial post), and then uploading the picture file. From there you could add links on top of the pages you uploaded while inside the webpage uploader console (most hosts have them). In reality, all a webpage is is a visual with clickable links to take you from page to page.

    Having said all of that, if creating websites from scratch with a strong code base is the goal, then there are programs specifically designed for that which I think would be much better suited for building a full-fledged website.

    I don't think that's what he was asking, he wanted to know how to display a webpage in a game or app, which maybe the http object does, but I've never used it, nor do I know how...i think it's mainly for formatted text. could be wrong though. also, this belongs in help/tech support

  • just curious if anyone besides me uses python for actual projects?, meaning, not just for the sake of trying it out? Why or why not? and also, I'm curious what people are using it for, and when do you use it instead of standard events?

  • if you mean the preview exe, its temp.exe

  • for some reason, I think I might be missing a simpler solution but

    first off, I'm assuming the random(1000) milliseconds might have been a logic error? that would make the spawn take place between 0 and 999 milliseconds apart, but have no effect on which object spawned it. you need to use conditions to get construct to refer to a specific object

    Also, for this example I assumed you only wanted 1 spawn to take place at a time.

    unfortunately, as awkward as this solution is, I can't provide an explanation now, I'm going to be late if I don't leave to work now, but please ask questions if you have any, I'll be back later, plus, the other board members might be able to help:

  • I'm not sure if it even matters really, but since Perlin works on octaves, or clouds if you will, there is a great chance that the noise sampled at x would be very close in range if the next x of the same seed is relatively close to the last. Basically x, and x+50 and all in between might be identical.

    right, I had to mess around with the settings for frequency and octaves to get a suitably random set, but if you look above at the list of 24 random values from regular random and perlin noise, they both look about the same level of random, and the perlin noise is sampled at intervals of 1 for both x and y ({0,0},{1,1},{2,2},{3,3},{4,4},etc...), and it seems to be just as random, and for my purposes 'seems to be' is good enough. Setting the frequency to 9999 did the trick. Other than the ridiculous overkill complexity of the algorithms when no smoothing or uniformity is needed, it does exactly what I need, and on certain outdoor levels, I actually will require the smoothness and uniformity perlin noise provides.

  • make the playersprite angle is 180 condition a subevent of On key X pressed

  • > I'm doing a plugin for BulletML, a scriptable system for those crazy (and sane) bullet patterns you see in arcade shoot-em ups.



    Above sprites by Irem obviously


    Hell yes Kenta Cho stuff here I come!

    Oh, have these while we're at it. It's not like I'll be able to finish any of this in another year.

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    looks neat, but what am I looking at here, is this some 3d construct stuffs? or one huge 2d backdrop, is that realtime lighting...what's going on?

  • difficult to give a specific example without a cap, and without a little more info, but if you're using the bullet behavior, and you want it to go straight to the left

    if character-facing left

    ----bullet--set angle to 180

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