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  • newt's right. that was that plugin was designed for,

    but that's an older version, this is the new one:

  • This is great

    You ever consider illustrating a graphic novel?

    And how long does it take you to do something like this drawing, lineart plus color?

  • When I click A sprite 23 shakes infinitely, when I click B sprite 23 stops shaking and sprite 24 starts shaking infinitely. This is to identify that the user has chosen the item. Neither sprite is to be destroyed.

    The double button press would be to select the item that was chosen.

    right, what I meant was, that while it was possible to do without a global, doing it would be more trouble than it was worth, and I was giving an example of a possible roundabout method of avoiding using a global:

    Make another sprite object exactly like the one to be clicked, same image, different name.

    when the user clicks, create the second sprite object at the same location as the first, destroy the original, and if the user clicked this new sprite:

    OnClick newsprite:

    -----Go to next layout

  • hi Kinila,

    welcome to scirra. let me start by saying the 's' plugin is one of the more difficult things to use in Construct, and if used incorrectly, can cause crashes. Not trying to discourage you from using it, but in general, Construct is more intuitive and user friendly, so to make like easier, make sure Construct can't do it without 's' first, as it will probably be easier to do and more readable. Also, I've never used the built in save features on Construct. There very well may be a much simpler ways to do this, so if no one else replies here, you might try posting it as a general question in the help section.

    But, back to your question

    if you made a number array called, "layoutnumber", and a string array called "layoutname"

    this would work:

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    you can name the arrays whatever you want,

    but if you use layoutnumber wherever would normally use a number or equation, it will replace layoutnumber with the actual numerical value at runtime, and likewise with the layoutname wherever you can input text

    so if you were on layout one and

    set global('example') to layoutnumber + 4

    global('example') would equal 5

    or you could

    Set Text to "hi, the name of this layout is " + layoutname

    to have the name at the end of the sentence

    these are System Expressions, and you get a list to choose from if you doubleclick the system icon while setting the parameters in any new action, condition, or expression

  • No, I think you need a global or private variablee.

    Unless you want to do something roundabout like

    Make sprite1 and sprite2 look the same but be separate objects

    Then on click sprite1, create sprite2 in the same location

    Start shaking, destroy sprite1

    On click sprite2, go to next layout,

    but that seems a lot more trouble.

    You should get to know private and globals really well.

    They're essential, really, and easy once you've used them once or twice.

    You're just telling your game to remember something(anything), and giving it a name


    Call janesphonenumber


    Set text to "hi, my name is " + Myname

  • Speaking of Physics, I am reminded of Phys-X and how that didn't pan out. The positive though was they were bought by nVidia and now the same technologies are running off nVidia hardware, without another card needed.

    I think nVidia made a dumb mistake there. Why would anyone make hardware accelerated physics an important part of their game, if it was going to be exclusive to either ati, or nvidia architectures? They should have licensed it to ATI, or made the implementation free, and earned their money through licensing it to game developers. They doomed it to being only a minor decorative thing, instead of something that could have drastically enhanced gameplay. And did any non-casual games ever use fluid? Now I'm sure someone will make an opencl or directcompute physics engine, or implementation of havoc.

    Here a very good article by Santiago Orgaz, maker of XNormal, about Sparse Voxel Octree:

    Inside, there is a good youtube video by Id, showing their future tech in games.

    And a John Carmack interview about id Tech 6


    Carmack mentioned CUDA alot, I thought it was strange, seeing as how he uses openGL for his engines. I'd like to see a more recent interview to see if he's using openCL with tech 5 or tech 6.

    I doubt that graphics cards will ever be truly replaced.

    There was a really good interview with Tim Sweeney (of Epic Games/unreal engine fame), where he talked about what would be possible graphically with a combined CPU/GPU solution, but the only links I found to that interview are broken now. Google "Tim Sweeney interview CPU GPU" to find alot of other interesting interviews on the subject.

    Looking at the long term future, the next 10 years or so, my hope and expectation is that there will be a real convergence between the CPU, GPU and non traditional architectures like the PhysX chip from Ageia, the Cell technology from Sony. You really want all those to evolve in the way of a large scale multicore CPU that has a lot of non traditional computing power as a GPU has now. A GPU processes a huge number of pixels in parallel using relatively simply control flow, CPU's are extremely good at random access logic, lots of branching, handling cache and things like that. I think really, essential, graphics and computing need to evolve together to the point where the future renderers I hope and expect will look a lot more like a software renderer from previous generations than a fixed function rasterizer pipeline and the stuff we have currently. I think GPU's will ultimately end up being... you know when we look at this 10 years from now, we will look back at GPU's being kinda a temporary fixed function hardware solution, to a problem that ultimately was, just general computing.

  • forget this post. I didn't realize I hadn't updated my taskbar shortcut to the new version. I had been using my laptop mostly.

    sorry about that

  • I haven't used the path movement, but it should work fine, and so should custom movement. I would add, though, that if the AI is controlled that way, the player car should be as well. If not, it may be difficult to make the player cars and AI controlled cars behave like they're obeying the same exact rules of motion.

  • thanks again, tula.

    and also thanks ashley for suggesting stackoverflow

    very active/helpful/professional community

    they pretty much said what tulamide did

    time to email some coders

  • Thanks ash and tula

    I suppose my followup question is, it must be legal to use the ideas, and algorithms in the code then, as opposed to a copypaste, without asking specific permission from the author, correct?

    I would assume the papers are published/talks given to spread and encourage the use of the ideas within?

    Also, I see many people describing people's own implementations of both these among others. Countless google hits for each. So this is legal?

  • wow, mary jane

    you are insanely talented.

    how old are you again?

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  • so, is it legal to use source code from papers and such:

    like this paper on perlin noise:

    links to this source code:

    and stam's famous talk on fluid dynamics, includes source code throughout, annotated with instructions like "add these macros to the beginning of your code"

    I'm just not sure if it's legal to copy and paste this to use in your own commercial code.

    if I were to make my own implementation, it would end up being close to identical, since I'd probably use the source code as a reference. I know very little about copyright law, including how it applies in these situations, and I can never find usage and licensing terms for these. Nor did googling any terms I could think of provide me the specific answer I need.

    does anyone know for sure what the rules/laws are here, or where I can find the answer?

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