lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • the post screenshots thread in your creations gets an error when I try to access the last page (80), other pages seem to work find, including 79

  • if I buy a shirt or something from cafepress, and I use a hires design, will it be as high quality as a real shirt as far as looks go, and will the design wash off after 2 washings?

    if not, anyone know of a similar site that does better?

  • fl is a personal favorite. never found anything close. it's like infinitely powerful. you can throw literally hundreds of samples, effects, and vsts on and no slowdown. every feature you could ever want is on there to a beautifully implemented level. workflow is exquisite. loop creation/drum machine levels the competition. piano roll is the best i've seen in anything. automatic beat slicing to extract individual sounds from loops, versatile playlist editor, great recording capabilities. people think it's just for techno, but I've used it for classical, and hiphop, and weird crap of no particular genre. it's the best music program period in my opinion, I use it over cubase type programs even, when I need to do general purpose recording type stuff[/gush]

    sorry, but it's just one of my fav programs of all time

    and eastwest instruments are amazing as well

    the orchestral stuff sounds like a real orchestra, and the choir you can actually type the words you want them to be singing

  • looking great davio, i think it's really awesome that you haven't released it yet now that I think about it. it looked like it was in playable form long ago, so it's clear you're taking this pretty seriously. I think I recall you saying so at one point, but is this planned to be a commercial release?

  • here's an example

    space fires, arrow keys move

    the only relevant part is On Space Pressed, and the two actions there (the rest is just there to make it look cooler)

    after I spawn an object, it is picked, and so any subsequent actions within that event for that objecttype, will refer to that specific object.

    The ghost shooter tutorial really is the best intro to construct imo, because it covers all the basics.

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  • I don't know, this runs at just under 140 fps on my pc, and it's 25 sprites with 25 pvs each, with each pv of each sprite randomly changing each tick, and all 25 pv's of each sprite accessed each tick.

    i'm pretty sure there's something else causing the slowdown

  • thanks sol, and others. I still have a ways to go before the next video. I expected much sooner, but when it is'll see...

  • lucid: How did you get that sig? Is there some rep limit for that? I really want one since it was the only way to drive traffic to my blog. :P

    Somewhere in the profile section. Just check all the things it let's you set. Not sure if there's a rep limit tho...if there was..I guess I met it :)

    Umm I think we might put a max height on sig images like we had before. Pet peeve of mine is tonnes of vertical scrolling to read tiny fragments of text. Think there will be a 50px height limit in the near future!

    I think there may have been, in the form of scrollbars. I know I had to shrink it because of scrollbars...may have been horizontal tho...don't remember

  • Or for signup. Definitely need that report button back. Are all the mods still mods btw?

    But yeah the construct classic discussion forum has been overrun by henlanlan's spam

  • Anything to make chat more active would be welcome. Its usually a bunch of idlers with the occasional me coming in asking if anyone is not idle.

  • Hate to be a pain, but defaulting it to saying everyone's a game developer is probably not accurate either, albeit more accurate than saying they are tom. I think some people are developing apps, or are just artists here supporting their developer partners.   Not a big deal, just saying, something like 'whomever is a registered user at scirra', or even better:just not displaying that section at all might be better?

  • I kinda like

    'Robots That Are Programmed to be Able to Fight, and Do'

    ...kinda catchy

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Member since 16 Jan, 2009

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