lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • thank you sol

    glad you like it

    remember to ask if you run into weird nonsense

  • yeah, totally agree on all counts

  • Instead of sig rules, it should probably be automated to not work...I think the last forum it was like that. Not everybody reads all the rules, but pretty much everybody reads the red text that pops up when you fail at submitting a form.

  • Yeah, I like seeing and having sigs, not just for useful reasons...

    Is the issue just loadtimes and readability? Or the image of the site, and wanting it to be professional?   For the first two, I think a prominent don't show signatures option somewhere would work, along with a 90pix vertical limit...also, with your web knowhow, couldn't you just make it the last thing that loads? And also have that 100k size limit or whatever the last site had.   Even on my phone I never really had speed issues with scirra forum

  • The second one is corrent, but you forgot the '.' in ".png"

  • yes! yes!, make it so if you have a rep of at least 4,428 :)

  • but I'm afraid for them in the upgrade they will be all disabled.


    now...I know I've been the one defending the changes...but you go too far!!! for those of us that never leave the house, our sigs are biggest opportunity to express ourselves...

    how bout just a 90 pixel limit?! look how tiny it is:

  • yeah, speaking of fighting systems. i really wish square would grow a pair, and just make a final fantasy game with totally not turn based fighting in it. I mean that huge budget, but with an actual modern engine. I know they have their incredible shrinking diehard fanbase that will never stop whining about anything but the old style, but now that it's 2011 and we have controllers, can we maybe leave behind the fighting system that's basically d&d dice rolling with cutscenes? secret of mana had an awesome fighting system, I don't even want to go into the horrific atrocities that square has committed on that franchise

    sorry for the off topicness, if you start a new topic about rpg's and xenogears I'll continue there tho :)

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  • that looks so annoying to program and design levels for.

    really cool though

    and xenogears, damn that was an awesome rpg. I started it twice, and got really far each time, and something stopped me from finishing both times. can't remember what either time

  • I had tried and bought gamemaker a long time ago, and it started slowing down when I tried to do bezier curves, after trying to use less complex equations, it had 0 impact on performance. After further testing I realized it didn't matter if you were just doing 2+2, a few hundred commands was all it took to destroy it.   I think I moved on to other projects, some musical, some animation, and I don't even remember what I had in mind when I did the google search that day, but I think I was about to start trying to learn to program c++ and directx to do it...yeah, I think I was going to learn the darksdk(from darkbasic), and I think I just said, "there's got to be something like game maker, but better", and typed something along the lines of " game making tool" or something, and the rest is history. Bumpmapping?! Pixel shaders?!, physics)!... I knew I had found something special by the time I was done with ghost shooter, but i had no idea how much it'd change everything. Not just from a game design standpoint, but like the course of my life, basically.

    Similarly strange in retrospect is that learning c++ which has similarly opened up new opportunities to pursue was just by the smallest chance. I think I had looked at the sdk tutorial for a moment at one point, had no idea what the hell was going on, and wrote it off as too intimidatingly out of my league, but by chance I asked a question in chat, and soljah boy suggested I try the sdk. I hadn't the slightest consideration of the sdk as an option, and I told soljah boy i knew barely anything about programming, he told me someone who had made a plugin said the same thing, can't remember who or what plugin...but damn. Providence...and by providence I mean dumb luck

  • It would be cool if it posted:

    "I'm different."

  •!!! they actually notify you of a PM until it's read!


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