lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • wait...are you saying upvotes already work? if so, how do I upvote someone?

  • video memory is separate from regular ram(which is what your 8 gigs and 4 gigs is)

    what's the model of your laptop, I or someone else can look up the video card and let you know if it's a gfx card issue or a construct issue

  • renae can be my wife in between ponies

  • >

    > Don't you think you're overreacting just a bit?

    Thought this was a discussion forum, and feedback was wanted?

    Correct me if I'm wrong.......

    2) I wouldn't want to upset Lucid. <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    it is a discussion forum, that's why I'm discussing my opinion of your opinion, also, I wasn't upset. just being as candid with my reaction to you as you were to your reaction to the site.

    it just honestly seemed like an overreaction....maybe I misread your tone...but to me it came off like this:

    om: hey kids, how do you like my new haircut?<img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    rush: I don't even know who you are anymore!<img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> edited><editID>lucid</editID><editDate>2011-06-28 04:53:38</editDate></edited>

  • <div id="swiffout"></div>when you say other, what's the thing it's supposed to be other than?

    the only ways I know are holding control, and using the scrollwheel of the mouse, or if you have a badass mouse with extra zoom buttons, those usually work as well

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  • <div id="swiffout"></div>sorry for the late reply brobs, but I think you might have misinterpreted the point of the anglelerp feature

    normally if you lerp two angles like

    lerp(245,15,0.5), instead of going from 245 up to 15 crossing the 360/0 boundary, it would go backward down to 15

    this let's you lerp the shortest route of 2 angles even if it jumps the 360/0 boundary.

    now that it's solved I won't go back and figure out what you were trying to do in greater detail, unless you'd like me to

    in which case...I will

  • <div id="swiffout"></div>when I click the search bar to start typing at the top of the forum I'm instantly transported to a page not found page before I even type anything or hit enter

    also this thing here:

    Forum Home > Website > Bugs, comments, suggestions and requests

    should be at the top and bottom of everything, so I don't have to scroll to the top to use it

    <div id="swiffout"></div>

  • Noga, I think I love you.

    um...that's beautiful and all, and I'm happy for you...just not sure what the motivation was declaring it here...I mean...didn't he just answer the op like everyone else?

    Thanx for your answers.

    other remarks:

    and why are there so few construct games created/WIP? is it so time-consuming to create one?


    think the existing tutorials are very entry level, and more advanced

    ones would be needed to speed up develop time. Would be fine if some

    more advanced tutorials could be made by community-development. E.G.

    with admission from the author we could continue Platform school, etc. <img src="SMILIES_PATH/icon_wink.gif" border="0" alt=":wink:" title="Wink">

    and why these creations are almost exclusively platformers?


    heard the limits of construct is imagination. Instead I see very few

    enemies and possiblities, abilities in these games. But these celebrated

    construct games sometimes dont resemble even the 16 bit game era, they

    are somehow too simple. No scrolling - shooters, RTSses, logical games

    etc., what is this silcence around construct? How many mature

    constructors exist who have already presented a game? Are they not

    developing with time as good wine does? <img src="SMILIES_PATH/icon_question.gif" border="0" alt=":?:" title="Question">

    I wonder how many games have been created with game maker, how mature (featured) they are, in comparision with construct. <img src="SMILIES_PATH/icon_question.gif" border="0" alt=":?:" title="Question"> Our community isnt strong enough? Or construct is too young?

    I guess this is semi-pointless without the videos to back it up, but those will be up soon. I've been working on something for about a year now that I think is fairly groundbreaking for 2d tech, and animation in general, not just construct.  also arima's loot pursoot is looking pretty f'ing great, and it's a turn based fighting rpg.  there's another resident evil type game, top down that looks fantastical by zotged, and I can't remember who else at the moment, quazi made the 3d view thumb fighting game, and is working on a hybrid 3d isometric pig thing at the moment. 

    gamemaker's been around for alot longer and has a huge following, so i think that's why there's so much more stuff for it.  but if anybody can point me to a gamemaker game that actually looks like something someone would pay for I'd be interested in seeing it, cuz most of what I saw back in my game maker days looked like crap on a stick, so it wasn't exactly a treasure trove of triple-a finished indie games

    also, as far as going beyond the 16 bit era, this isn't near finished and never will be since making this inspired me to create a more powerful engine, but this shows off some of the power of construct:

    So How many games have been created by Construct alltogether and is there a way to find them all?

    I couldn't find any info on Scirra forums on Iconoclasts, strange that there isn't a list of Construct made creations...

    eh...I know what you mean, and I think the plan is to have a more exhibitionist website this time around, but if you think about it, most games are coded in c++, and you can't go to and get a list of completed games, ya know?

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  • <div id="swiffout"></div>when using the [code tag, it still seems to be processing bbcode so if I type {i} inside a code tag but using these brackets [], instead of these {}

    it doesn't show up at all, because it thinks I'm starting to italicize something, the point of the code tag aside from the strict nonreformatting of it is to be able to safely type any type of code without it being interpreted as html or bbcode or the like

    (looping through arrays and vectors using an integer named 'i' as the index is pretty common in most languages, so this really breaks the [code tag.) also, when I log in, it takes me to the main page(, not the forum), usually of the old site, but even the new, its a hassle to have to navigate back to the page I was just on. on another note, I really loved the bbcode automation of the old forum, where you could highlight text and click on the bbcode to automatically tag it no link that I can see to the pm's, so I have to actually click on a name, and start to pm someone to get to my pm options. for the sake of consolidating, I'll repeat the things I mentioned in another thread as well the tube tags worked once for me, and now it shows a big blank space where the video should be: [tube][/tube]

    i think the feature where it tells you about new posts now is on a per computer basis, before if I read a topic on my phone, it wouldn't be marked as unread on my pc, now i think(I'll post back when I'm sure) it will still say new on my home pc even if I've read it on my phone.  the old functionality is more useful I think

    when you click in the editbox to start a new post or reply, the cursor doesn't show until you start typing which is confusing, and makes it difficult to know if I've clicked correctly even now after it happening a few times

    also...that light light green's gotta go :)

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  • an example of how this could work if you're still interested in making the plugin is this

    in main.h make a vector

    vector<CRunObject*> myobjects;

    then have an action that takes an object parameter

    and just do

    myobjects.push_back(params[0].GetObjectParamFirstInstance(pRuntime));//GetObjectParam is for CRunObjType* which is a type pointer as opposed to a specific object pointer

    and within  construct do a for each object in the subevent after doing whatever picking condition you need to add each one by one.  it's also possible to automatically get the entire list of picked objects automatically, but I can't think of how off the top of my head, and don't have the time automatically to go look up how.  if you search my posts in this [construct engineering] forum, and go to the oldest posts, you can find alot of useful replies from ashley when I was first starting out asking ten billion questions.

    after you had the objects loaded in the myobjects vector you could access them by index, if you wanted to move them all into a row for instance you could do something like

    for(int j=0;j<myobjects.size();j++)
         myobjects[j]->info.x=j*myobjects[j]->info.w;//w:width...the .info structure has pretty much anything useful you'd want to do with objects, and most is self-explanatory

    if you want to use the plugin generally, and want it to automatically get rid of objects destroyed in construct so you don't get a crash accessing invalid pointers

    in runtime.cpp in OnFrame2()

    you could do either

    for(int j=0;j<myobjects.size();j++)
          if(myobjects[j]->info.destroying)//checking this in onframe2 is the last time this pointer will be valid, if the object is destroyed the pointer will be invalid the next tick

    which would erase that index in the vector, and move all the rest back to fill the gap

    or you could do

    for(int j=0;j<myobjects.size();j++)

    this would leave that index there, but with no object, so you could do a line of object like before, for instance, and have a gap in the line, instead of having the other objects fill that gap, you would have to modify it to check for the existence of a sprite, again to avoid crashes for accessing invalid pointers like so:

    for(int j=0;j<myobjects.size();j++)
         if(myobjects[j])//add this to check if the pointer is nonzero...if not, you "erased" it

    <div id="swiffout"></div>

  • I agree about the light green diagonally striped background. Doesn't hurt my eyes, but it could be at least 20% cooler with another color

  • I really don't know what to think of this place anymore, lol.


    Don't you think you're overreacting just a bit?

    I mean...I really don't see what the big fuss is about. It's a new site. You would swear they were charging microtransactions for posting img's the way everyones all up in arms about it

    <div id="swiffout"></div>

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