tunepunk's Forum Posts

  • I tried to accomplish something similar before on a test project. I didn't really get to finish any working prototype with it, but some things i tried out was was using a regular layer as the Map, and setting the layer to be global (But hidden)except when in the map layout. I remember a bit, but It was about 2 years ago or so, so I don't remember really how far i got on it, but I was getting close. I also tried saving the game to store the positions on the global layer, and loading the game again to restore it to the save state. Unfortunately I don't have any capx of that prototype left as it was on my old computer that broke down. Maybe something like that could work.

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    The built in windows 10 one works perfectly just tried it...

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    If you're using windows 10 there's a built in feature.. Maybe that could work? I havn't tried it my self yet.


    I've used Autodesk screencast on some occations. It's also good, and free.


  • Try add a "wait 0" action before calculate path and see if it helps. Could be that it's related to this issue. https://www.scirra.com/forum/pick-all-create-bug_t178366

    Once created it doesn't really exist until next tick, but not sure.. if wait 0 works, it's the same problem.

  • Artpunk i don't remember exactly what page, it wasn't the regular dev pages, it was on some special page regarding windows phone. Any bug report is good though, so if you find another place to report it should be good too.

    Yeah hopefully it will be fixed soon. I guess quite a lot of apps are affected by this issue.

  • This only happens if you try sort stuff in different layers. Workaround, move all Orden to the right layer, or add the condition is on layer first.

  • I thought the bullet would bounce in the right direction.

    try use ..on collision, bounce off object. it might work

    otherwize you could try set bullet angle to same as cars direction of motion.

    set bullet angle of motion to: Sprite.Car.MovingAngle

  • You could make the carbage cans use bullet behaviour instead. On collision you have them shoot away on impact in the direction you want. Set speed 0, set bounce off targets to yes, no gravity. and set acceleration to -2000 or something. On colission you set the speed of the bullet to same speed as the car+a bit extra.

    I think it could work something like that.

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  • thanks R0J0hound good example on how to get that square to encase all the objects, to get the center point. I'll save this one for the future. It might come handy.

    In this case i just needed to get the total widht of a set of objects (including some margins), set the box size, and then move all the objects neatly inside the box, then align the box to something, so I think i solved it in my previous post.

  • Some of us don't have the money to splash out on things liek this, especially when it wont lead to anything and it will just be sat with 0 downloads

    I smell troll, but if you plan on earning any money making games, you're not gonna get far with that attitude. Maybe skip the release part and just make a game for fun and add it to your portfolio when you apply for game dev job.

    U think all hobby musicians going to stop play music because they know they never gonna make it a full time job. Do it for the love of it, or don't do it at all.

  • If you're satisfied and proud that you reached 100 downoads, yeah... if not, get to work, promoting it, and buy the licence. If you don't take promoting your own creation seriously I doubt any customers will either.

  • After your game is done you're not even halfway there. Now starts the hard work, promoting your game. It's kind of ignorant to think that uploading an app means a lot of downloads. Here's a few tips.

    *Put together a nicely composed e-mail along with press kit containing screenshots, video and link to game.

    *Send to magazines, local newspaper, gaming sites, reviwers, editors, youtubers, twitchers etc.

    *Be active on social media, engage people.

    *Hand out flyers with promo code outside your local supermarket if you have to.

    *Attend some games conference or other related gathering to promote your game.

    Or hire a PR agency.

  • Artpunk yea, it seems to be a windows phone issue. It happens when I preview in edge, and after building with both XDK and Visual studio. Even XDK's own demos in app preview has this issue, so I hope more people report it to microsoft.

  • If you mean in the editor, perhaps indeed you missed on "Selection wrapping" as indicated in the Layout View manual article.

    Otherwise, if you mean dynamically "in game", I would have my objects pinned to a sprite used as "background" for the object set. And that is only this object I would move around and dimension according to the set it contains.

    Does it make sense with what you are trying to achieve ?

    Yes it does make a bit of sense to use the background-sprite, I've also tested that but it becomes a bit tricky when the text string updates to a longer string, the align fails. Maybe i have to test evey string one by one, release the pin and pin again every time the text updates. And I don't want to create a new UI element for every different length.

    Maybe I could figure out a smart way to to do it with a function. I don't have C2 in front of me right now, but maybe something like thi could work:

    On function "alignGameText".

    ----> Unpin Text and icon.

    ----> Set spritefont text to. Your mission text. (Set the text string so i can get the width of the object)

    ----> Set textbackground.width to icon1.X.width + spritefont.TextWidth + 20. (set the width of the background object based on those 2 objects.

    ----> Set icon1.X to textbackground.BBoxLeft + (icon1.width/2) (This would set the icon to the far left of the background box)

    ----> Icon1 pin to textbackground.

    ----> Set spritefont.X to icon1.BBoxRight + 20 (moves the text to 20 pixels from the icons right edge)

    ----> Pin spritefont to textbackground.

    ----> Set textbackground.X to windowidth/2 (centers the background object to screen middle)

    Hopefully something like that could probably work, but I have to call this function every time the text updates, to correct the size of the background box, and make sure it's aligned.

    Anyway. A built in nesting/grouping feature of objects would be nice though.

  • I'm trying to figure out how to calculate the center of set of a set of objects or create a new pivot for a set of objects. Lets say i have 4 sprites on in a row. I want to have a center pivot (X, Y) position for all of them, an If i add one sprite to the set so there's 5, i wan't the center to update automatically.

    For anyone working with html should be familiar with what I'm talking about. I'm looking for a way to to nest objects similar to how a div works. I want everything in that group/nest/div to move together, and I want to be able to have center point calculated based on the width/height of that Group of objects.

    This is for a set UI elements/sprites which I always want to be center, no matter how long or short this set of objects are. Sprite fonts handle this but if I want to throw in some icons in the mix it starts to get complicated.

    Example 1.

    Object1 Object2 Object2, Object 4.


    Example 2.

    icon, Spritefont text here.



    bigger icon, longer spritefont text here.


    Any feature I don't know about?, because this seems way to basic to have been left out, especially when you're working with game UI. I think it's important to be able to group/nest objects and set a pivot point for the whole group.