tunepunk's Forum Posts

  • Would it be possible to get the Hex code from a certain pixel on a certain layer?

    Let's say I place a white to black gradient on a one layer. When the character moves across this gradient from white to black he would gradually get darker.

    So when he is stepping on white, i want to catch 255,255,255, or FFFFFF or something like that, and on black, 0,0,0, or 000000, then by these numbers control the intensity of a certain layer effect?

    Kind of like controlling the tint of the character based on what color he is standing on.

  • I have a basic level set up and some areas are darker. These areas are on a layer called "shadows" on top of my main background layer where all shadow sprites are placed. On top of that are objects, player, etc. I wan't my character to get darker as well when stepping on those shadow sprites or shaded areas.

    What would be the best way to go about doing that?

    Using collisions or have this layer act as some kind of mask?

    Preferably a mask would be better to have the character gradually change color, based on the grayscale images in the shadow layer. Since the shadows can have have different intensity. Completely black or anywhere in between.

    I guess WebGL effects are the way to go, but i havn't figured out how i would go about doing the effect I'm after.

  • I'm trying to figure out how to get a value.

    I have an object at position X 100 . Y 100

    and another object 20 pixels above and 30 pixels to the left. X 70 . Y 80

    How do i get the relative value of -30 and -20 from these two?

    I want to return the difference between two XY positions.

    Just can't figure it out.

  • Nope

    There is no Parallax, and it seems like the ScrollTo Behaviour is doing it somehow.

    here is link to capx file

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/205 ... _test.capx

  • I placed an object (on click) at Mouse.X and Mouse.Y on layer 0. Works fine. Object is placed at the center of the mouse pointer.

    Adding another Layer, and moving the same objects to this layer, then no longer placed at the center of the mouse pointer, but somewhat offset.

    Is this a new feature or bug? I'm going nuts trying to find out why......

    As far as i can tell, problem stops when i remove Scroll to Behavior.

    Any ideas?

  • Thanks! That's what i needed to know. The game I'm working on would benefit a lot from that. Instead of having to pre-render all the Character and sprite animations in many many angles. I guess i have to try it out. Does the Q3D camera have properties to change the angle of view, or even make it isometric?

  • Let me explain. I would like to put 3D sprites on a 2D background. Or have this plugin as a layer and any area not containing 3D graphics you would see the 2D graphics in the background.

    For example: My background layer is a pre-rendered static monopoly-like board, on one layer, On top of this layer i would like to use some 3D elements moving around on this backgound. Is that doable with this plugin?

    Example 2: My game level is made in 2D isometric but the characters in the game i would like to be real 3D.

    So all in all. Is this plugin "see-through" so you can see graphics behind this layer?

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    Commandos 2: Characters are realtime 3D but background is pre-rendered 3D


  • Interesting plugin.

    Is it possible to add 3D objects to a 2D canvas as well? Or is there any similar plugin that does that?

  • Thanks for the replies. My plan is to make all NPC's randomly generated, with different kind of "stats" to represent their personalties, and their actions and reactions would be based on those. So you could make a lot of checks, if the npc has a cetain stat 'lower' than X while being attacked. > Flee - otherwize fight back. Another stat higher than X while being robbed, > Do this or that.

    I guess this will be some trial and error to get the desired results. The game it self also will be based on trial and error to succeed, to learn the traits of the different "personalites" by trial and error to win the game.

    Would it make sence to make all those checks global? As every NPC would react... just react differently based on their stats?

  • I had an idea about making a simple adventure game taking place in a small village. The main feature would be advanced AI in the game. Before i start off I would like to know if anyone have any experience doing advanced AI here and if theres a lot of limitations in Construct 2 that would stop me from finishing the project.

    Every NPC in the game would have randomly generated "things to do", and personalities. And daily schedule based on their current inventory and their profession and a lot of other variables. You could mess things up by stealing from them, that would trigger them to start looking for the lost item, alert guards, or something else based on their personality. They could also start steal from others and do a lot of other stuff if the right conditions are met.

    How far could u take AI in Construct for characters in a game? Is it only a matter of sorting out the logic behind it?

  • Finally i have enough reputation to post the link to the project file. Hopefully this will help out people doing games with isometric perspective.


  • +1 for this. Some of my favorite games of all time use an isometric layout and I wanna make those kind of games too.

  • I was looking around the forum and tried to find a solution for moving objects (both the player and NPC's etc) in an isometric setup and I came up with this solution, mixing layers and z-ordering and it came out quite nice. Hope this can help others out too trying to make isometric games.Yesterday I thought this would be impossible, but with a bit of research and trial and error i solved it.....

    * Edit - I didn't have enough rep to post the link to the project file, so sending a picture instead, will send link as soon as i have enough rep.

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  • I was trying this out but it has some flaws, since it only works for objects within the family, ie, particles, bullets etc that are not "sprites" won't get ordered correctly. There must be some workaround for this. Is there any way to set the zIndex to a specific number depending on the objects y position? I also think sorting all objects in a sprite intense layout every tick will be quite heavyweight calculations wise.

  • Thanks, that was exactly what I was looking for too.