tunepunk's Forum Posts

  • I got my inspiration from games like "commandos" and Baldur's Gate type games, which is isometric but not grid based. Like Transport tycoon. More dynamic maps, but still isometric angle. I also wanted to make the characters full realtime 3D in an isometric prerendered setting, but after buying Q3D i found it was way to complicated to work with, so I skipped that idea :p

    Image from commandos 3. Harder to do than grid based but I nice without the squares.

  • I didn't do traditional isoletric on a grid, as i wanted a bit more dynamic map with objects and buildings in any angles. A bit more tricky to figure out the sorting but got it working eventally. For grid I think its a bit more easy, but as been mentioned. Make use of tilemap object, to keep the object count down.

  • I always keep my project files on dropbox folder. Good for backup and revision history. Just in case... when I'm doing any major changes to the game, I save a new capx, and store the last one somewhere safe in case i need to go back to the previous version if I messed up.

  • jamijn , that's pretty cool. And if that's ingme video recording then it runs quite smooth. I like the voice

    tunepunk Link works now. Cool graphics! Joining the playtest

    I'm curious though, did you try to test it via some wrapped already? as an IPA ? Please go through that process first, testing with Cocoon.IO app is risky as it behaves differently when compiled and exported. That's what I have as an issue that is preventing me to publish. Game works GREAT otherwise.

    Thanks. Yes i tested to wrap it with intelXDK and and also building with visual studio for windows universal app. I havn't tried cocoon.io build yet, but XDK gaveme same performance as in phone browser. Not any noticeable difference, no problems. Everything worked fine.. Gonna test a new build once I've added some more features, and graphics.

  • Although I think option 3 you will get much better fps, but the game will use a bit more memory, and load a little bit slower. That's just my experience from working for mobile. I'm using option 3 at the moment, because the other solutions i lost too much FPS.

    EDIT: but the best way is of course to try it. What's best for your game. Test and see how it performs.

    Try all options and decide the one that you think get you better performance.

  • Then i wouldn't recommend using WebGl effects. Cheapest possible way would probably be to just have duplicate sets of sprites, for a bit more memory use, or maybe try the blend modes?

  • Are you developing for mobile or desktop?

  • I'm working on a mobile game to be released in a few months. https://www.scirra.com/forum/archer-working-title-devlog_t150236 Weather it will be succesful or not, time will tell, but from a performance perspective (which people seem to worry about)..... I'm getting constant 60fps on midrange phones, using 1280x720 windowsize, 3200x2800 layoutsize. around 800 sprites in game layout. High detail Isometric pre rendered 3D, 4 player multiplayer using Photon Cloud.

  • I think you could also use the bullet behaviour. It have the option to set "bounce of solids". Maybe that could work? It also has some physics stuff, gravity acceleration etc.

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  • i tried your test also but the blue dot never miss. Always moved to where i touched. I can't replicare it.

  • I see what you mean. It's a different problem. Does it happen or less in some situation? I never noticed this. My problem seem to be a windows phone bug, maybe your is related to your phone also. Did you google if anyone else with this phone have same problem. I don't think it's a C2 issue.

  • What i suggested is a bit differend in some ways.

    Pick a bunch of objects with a 'pick by comparing' based on distance loops also trough the whole family, but without the 'overlap loop'. It is fast. The filterd SOL is also done only once, You perform the same loop when you actual do the z-ordening, in probaly the same tick.

    With only a few objects in the SOL, the z-ordening is awwsome fast. Even every tick should not have a big impact.

    Hope i made my point, the general point, i have no idea if that is applicable in your project.

    I've tried all kind of approaches. So far, the current list of events in my previous post, seems to be the cheapest way i could do it, but it's not cheap enough.

    Just using:

    "is On Screen" -> Sort Z order by "variable" every tick

    Is just slightly more heavy than my overlap approach. (Thanks to LOS Behaviour, which is super cheap for filtering by distance, faster than any event condition approach)

    I'm gonna try out the workaround approach as well, using dummy objects, to see if it's any better. But for now. 15-20% of my game mechanics just for handling z-ordering just feels too much for mobile. There must be a smarter cheaper way :p

  • Pretty neat idea but i think you can do someting very similar already.

    * Remove collisions on all objects.

    * Create 2 dummy objects one red for solid and 1 yellow for jump through, The dummy objects could be 5x5 px or whatever.

    * Create 1 new layer on top. Place and stretch those red and yellow dummy objects where you want them.

    * On start of Layout. Hide the dummy Layer.

    Not as neat, but it could work.

  • In my mind the optimal way to sort Z order would be.

    1. Detect overlap between moving objects and objects in the zOrder family. if there's any overlap ...

    2. Check if any of those overlaps are sorted incorrectly. object 1.Y < object2.Y but object1.Z > object2.Z (not sorted correctly sorting).. so

    3. Pick overlapping objects, and sort them correctly.

    You don't need to pick or even bother to sort anything that is not overalpping, and you only need to sort 1 tick if there is any error in sorting, not every tick.

    That's what I'm trying to achieve, but doing it with event's is just slightly cheaper than having the new zOrder run every tick.

  • The blue sprite will fail to follow your finger if touch is failing. Move the finger across the screen to see the blue dot follow.

    object count I can add, but it's not important, I'm only trying to detect if touch is failing or not.