I think I am not the first one to talk about the new forum which is a very very Import Section for any C2-C3 user, because the other time I saw someone saying
> it's not gonna kill you if there is bad colors or text is big and other stuff
which is not correct at all, I speak for my self, it's really annoying to see those colors, big texts, no Post Preview, No PM, broken links, etc.... .
So I wanted to ask you why didn't you just keep the C2 forum until the C3 forum is ready, or you could use an already made up forum system because I think OpenSource exists for this type of problem, you are a small team, You can't handle everything, You can't maintain everything over the time.
I think (which is not 100% correct) you are working and improving simultaneously those projects
- C3 the Editor
- C3 Runtime
- C2 Runtime
- Official Addons
- The Forum
- The website
- Tutorials
And even more stuff we may not know.
That's a lot of work for 4 developers
I am talking as a fan , as an experienced developer and as a Co-Founder/CTO of 2 successful startups, Doing everything by your self is a REALLY REALLY REALLY BAD method now days.
Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Netflix and others even Apple (which is the most self Closed company in my point of view), they went opensource on many parts of their code
- It costs less for the company
- x4-x5 much more code is written
- more bugs are discovered and fixed
- more changes and upgrades in each of C3 Release
- and even more with an Opensource community
Look at godot Engine for example, they have a crazy number of Contributors , Commits and Pull Requests almost every 5 - 6 hours.
Unity went OpenSource too, UnrealEngine and many others are going OpenSource, because it will only benefice the product and help on it's development, stability and maintenance over the time
I am not saying you need to change all of your code or the full of C3 to OpenSource. but parts of it that we C2-C3 fans can help and contribute on.
Going Opensource will certainly Improve C3.
I hope you take seriously this suggestion.
Unreal engine is already opensourced,Unity isnt opensourced but they did release the code to the ide and game engine so developers can get a better understanding of the innerworkings so they can make more optimized games but yea you are def right that every big companys moving towards opensource