Noga's Forum Posts

  • Most incorrectly tagged tutorials will be correctly tagged by us though.

    That's good.

  • It could help if there was a mandatory tag which everyone had to choose while posting a tutorial - "Construct Classic","Construct 2" and "Other". What do you think?

  • This is hilarious! Much, much better than spirals, dots and such in other music players. I think you could make it commercial, it's fun. Maybe it's an old thing, but this is first time I've seen anything like it. There is a lot of room to improve it, like different puppets according to music genre played with presets. When I played a rock song, in one moment the puppet kneeled on one knee into a rock pose, great! I'm thinking about home parties where you play songs from hd and on monitor screen there are only hallucinogenous patterns, this'd make it more interesting.

  • I guess another way to describe it would be to say the word "syrup" but leave the "p" off of the end.

    You're right "syrup" sounds closest, I'd just replace "up" with "a", like "syra" or "sira"? <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • It's better now with bold texts for unread posts, still not perfect. When on top level - Forum Home - I can't see which under sections I haven't read. There's only how many viewers are there. Bold text doesn't make posts I wanna read stand out enough, and changing a post backround colour would be better. I think, it has to do with the whole colour scheme used here. I don't feel comfortable reading posts and don't stay here as long as I used to on the old forum. Maybe it's just me, only I feel it this way, but when I compare the old forum to this new I thing it's a step back (graphic wise). Sorry to be annoying, Tom, I know you've done lot of work here, just tell me you'll change the graphic and I'll be happy. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • You're in the wrong section, should be in the Help or Open Topic.

    I tried to report the post and this happend


    The email failed to send. Please contact the Forum Administrator with the error message below.

    Server Error Message:-

    The server rejected one or more recipient addresses. The server response was: 550 No such user here

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  • I love this movie, because (almost) nothing happens there:) It differs it from other movies. It has a great atmosphere, but it's probably not for everyone, I guess.

  • How can I highlight posts I haven't read? If it's not supported now, will it ever be?

  • Changing password works, thanks Tom.

  • Is it (or will be), searchable from the outside,

    e.g. ?

  • A few don't likes

    • graphic design, are going to change it later? It's simple (that's alright), but I think too much. Colours together with the design gives me feeling it's not serious page. If I were first time visitor, I wouldn't click another page and left immediately.
    • I miss "mark read" and unread coloured posts
    • couple more little things, like fonts size, width, forum navigation only at the top, but all that isn't important.


    Navigation (not design) <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> , tutorials, tags, etc.

  • Changing pass doesn't work, even after clearing cache. I'm still using temp pass.

  • I played it for about 10 minutes (which is probably most I've ever spent with a game made in Construct ) a would be playing more, but I fell out of the screen. I collected the first key and was looking for where to use it, than I found the "secret" area where I picked up the bonus, I jumped to the left and fell out.

    Controlling the player fells little odd, I can't really describe it, it's bit stiff I think, but overall, I liked it, good game.

  • Cool you're working on it, but after few seconds I just noticed there's bug using ladder. If I jump on it and I'm holding up, the dude goes down, than up and.. it acts wierdly.

  • Yeah, I forgot to include conditions and two more actions, it's fixed now.